Search Results for author: Tilman Plehn

Found 19 papers, 9 papers with code

A Lorentz-Equivariant Transformer for All of the LHC

1 code implementation1 Nov 2024 Johann Brehmer, Víctor Bresó, Pim de Haan, Tilman Plehn, Huilin Qu, Jonas Spinner, Jesse Thaler

We show that the Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformer (L-GATr) yields state-of-the-art performance for a wide range of machine learning tasks at the Large Hadron Collider.

Constraining the Higgs Potential with Neural Simulation-based Inference for Di-Higgs Production

1 code implementation24 May 2024 Radha Mastandrea, Benjamin Nachman, Tilman Plehn

Determining the form of the Higgs potential is one of the most exciting challenges of modern particle physics.

Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformers for High-Energy Physics

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Jonas Spinner, Victor Bresó, Pim de Haan, Tilman Plehn, Jesse Thaler, Johann Brehmer

We propose the Lorentz Geometric Algebra Transformer (L-GATr), a new multi-purpose architecture for high-energy physics.

The Landscape of Unfolding with Machine Learning

no code implementations29 Apr 2024 Nathan Huetsch, Javier Mariño Villadamigo, Alexander Shmakov, Sascha Diefenbacher, Vinicius Mikuni, Theo Heimel, Michael Fenton, Kevin Greif, Benjamin Nachman, Daniel Whiteson, Anja Butter, Tilman Plehn

Recent innovations from machine learning allow for data unfolding, without binning and including correlations across many dimensions.

Anomalies, Representations, and Self-Supervision

no code implementations11 Jan 2023 Barry M. Dillon, Luigi Favaro, Friedrich Feiden, Tanmoy Modak, Tilman Plehn

We develop a self-supervised method for density-based anomaly detection using contrastive learning, and test it using event-level anomaly data from CMS ADC2021.

Anomaly Detection Contrastive Learning

Shared Data and Algorithms for Deep Learning in Fundamental Physics

1 code implementation1 Jul 2021 Lisa Benato, Erik Buhmann, Martin Erdmann, Peter Fackeldey, Jonas Glombitza, Nikolai Hartmann, Gregor Kasieczka, William Korcari, Thomas Kuhr, Jan Steinheimer, Horst Stöcker, Tilman Plehn, Kai Zhou

We introduce a Python package that provides simply and unified access to a collection of datasets from fundamental physics research - including particle physics, astroparticle physics, and hadron- and nuclear physics - for supervised machine learning studies.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning +1

Better Latent Spaces for Better Autoencoders

1 code implementation16 Apr 2021 Barry M. Dillon, Tilman Plehn, Christof Sauer, Peter Sorrenson

In particular, the Dirichlet setup solves the problem and improves both the performance and the interpretability of the networks.

GANplifying Event Samples

no code implementations14 Aug 2020 Anja Butter, Sascha Diefenbacher, Gregor Kasieczka, Benjamin Nachman, Tilman Plehn

A critical question concerning generative networks applied to event generation in particle physics is if the generated events add statistical precision beyond the training sample.

Light Dark Matter Annihilation and Scattering in LHC Detectors

no code implementations27 May 2020 Martin Bauer, Patrick Foldenauer, Peter Reimitz, Tilman Plehn

We systematically study models with light scalar and pseudoscalar dark matter candidates and their potential signals at the LHC.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology High Energy Physics - Experiment

Deep-learning Top Taggers or The End of QCD?

1 code implementation30 Jan 2017 Gregor Kasieczka, Tilman Plehn, Michael Russell, Torben Schell

Machine learning based on convolutional neural networks can be used to study jet images from the LHC.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Resonance Searches with an Updated Top Tagger

no code implementations19 Mar 2015 Gregor Kasieczka, Tilman Plehn, Torben Schell, Thomas Strebler, Gavin P. Salam

The performance of top taggers, for example in resonance searches, can be significantly enhanced through an increased set of variables, with a special focus on final-state radiation.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Squark and gluino production cross sections in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13, 14, 33 and 100 TeV

3 code implementations18 Jul 2014 Christoph Borschensky, Michael Krämer, Anna Kulesza, Michelangelo Mangano, Sanjay Padhi, Tilman Plehn, Xavier Portell

We present state-of-the-art cross section predictions for the production of supersymmetric squarks and gluinos at the upcoming LHC run with a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ and $14$ TeV, and at potential future $pp$ colliders operating at $\sqrt{s} = 33$ and $100$ TeV.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Supersymmetry production cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV

3 code implementations13 Jun 2012 Michael Krämer, Anna Kulesza, Robin van der Leeuw, Michelangelo Mangano, Sanjay Padhi, Tilman Plehn, Xavier Portell

This document emerged from work that started in January 2012 as a joint effort by the ATLAS, CMS and LPCC supersymmetry (SUSY) working groups to compile state-of-the-art cross section predictions for SUSY particle production at the LHC.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Stop Reconstruction with Tagged Tops

no code implementations14 Jun 2010 Tilman Plehn, Michael Spannowsky, Michihisa Takeuchi, Dirk Zerwas

Using a Standard-Model top tagger on fully hadronic top decays we can not only extract the stop signal but also measure the top momentum.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology High Energy Physics - Experiment

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