Search Results for author: Tim Weninger

Found 28 papers, 13 papers with code

Fear and Loathing on the Frontline: Decoding the Language of Othering by Russia-Ukraine War Bloggers

no code implementations19 Sep 2024 Patrick Gerard, William Theisen, Tim Weninger, Kristina Lerman

Othering, the act of portraying outgroups as fundamentally different from the ingroup, often escalates into framing them as existential threats--fueling intergroup conflict and justifying exclusion and violence.

MedCodER: A Generative AI Assistant for Medical Coding

no code implementations18 Sep 2024 Krishanu Das Baksi, Elijah Soba, John J. Higgins, Ravi Saini, Jaden Wood, Jane Cook, Jack Scott, Nirmala Pudota, Tim Weninger, Edward Bowen, Sanmitra Bhattacharya

Medical coding is essential for standardizing clinical data and communication but is often time-consuming and prone to errors.


Modeling Information Narrative Detection and Evolution on Telegram during the Russia-Ukraine War

no code implementations12 Sep 2024 Patrick Gerard, Svitlana Volkova, Louis Penafiel, Kristina Lerman, Tim Weninger

Existing research, however, often fails to capture information narrative evolution, overlooking both the fluid nature of narratives and the internal mechanisms that drive their evolution.

Learning from Litigation: Graphs and LLMs for Retrieval and Reasoning in eDiscovery

no code implementations29 May 2024 Sounak Lahiri, Sumit Pai, Tim Weninger, Sanmitra Bhattacharya

Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) involves identifying relevant documents from a vast collection based on legal production requests.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Span-Oriented Information Extraction -- A Unifying Perspective on Information Extraction

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Yifan Ding, Michael Yankoski, Tim Weninger

Information Extraction refers to a collection of tasks within Natural Language Processing (NLP) that identifies sub-sequences within text and their labels.

ChatEL: Entity Linking with Chatbots

1 code implementation20 Feb 2024 Yifan Ding, Qingkai Zeng, Tim Weninger

Fortunately, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT provide a highly-advanced solution to the problems inherent in EL models, but simply naive prompts to LLMs do not work well.

Entity Linking Sentence

EntGPT: Linking Generative Large Language Models with Knowledge Bases

1 code implementation9 Feb 2024 Yifan Ding, Amrit Poudel, Qingkai Zeng, Tim Weninger, Balaji Veeramani, Sanmitra Bhattacharya

Additionally, our instruction tuning method (EntGPT-I) improves micro-F_1 scores by 2. 1% on average in supervised EL tasks and outperforms several baseline models in six Question Answering tasks.

Entity Disambiguation Entity Linking +3

Navigating the Post-API Dilemma | Search Engine Results Pages Present a Biased View of Social Media Data

no code implementations27 Jan 2024 Amrit Poudel, Tim Weninger

Recent decisions to discontinue access to social media APIs are having detrimental effects on Internet research and the field of computational social science as a whole.

TK-KNN: A Balanced Distance-Based Pseudo Labeling Approach for Semi-Supervised Intent Classification

1 code implementation17 Oct 2023 Nicholas Botzer, David Vasquez, Tim Weninger, Issam Laradji

In the present work, we describe Top-K K-Nearest Neighbor (TK-KNN), which uses a more robust pseudo-labeling approach based on distance in the embedding space while maintaining a balanced set of pseudo-labeled examples across classes through a ranking-based approach.

intent-classification Intent Classification

Dynamic Vertex Replacement Grammars

1 code implementation21 Mar 2023 Daniel Gonzalez Cedre, Justus Isaiah Hibshman, Timothy La Fond, Grant Boquet, Tim Weninger

Context-free graph grammars have shown a remarkable ability to model structures in real-world relational data.

Graph Similarity

H-EMD: A Hierarchical Earth Mover's Distance Method for Instance Segmentation

no code implementations2 Jun 2022 Peixian Liang, Yizhe Zhang, Yifan Ding, Jianxu Chen, Chinedu S. Madukoma, Tim Weninger, Joshua D. Shrout, Danny Z. Chen

We observe that probability maps by DL semantic segmentation models can be used to generate many possible instance candidates, and accurate instance segmentation can be achieved by selecting from them a set of "optimized" candidates as output instances.

Image Segmentation Instance Segmentation +2

Posthoc Verification and the Fallibility of the Ground Truth

1 code implementation NAACL (DADC) 2022 Yifan Ding, Nicholas Botzer, Tim Weninger

Metrics used in these evaluations are tied to the availability of well-defined ground truth labels, and these metrics typically do not allow for inexact matches.

Entity Linking

Survey Equivalence: A Procedure for Measuring Classifier Accuracy Against Human Labels

1 code implementation2 Jun 2021 Paul Resnick, Yuqing Kong, Grant Schoenebeck, Tim Weninger

We refer to such tasks as survey settings because the ground truth is defined through a survey of one or more human raters.


Reddit Entity Linking Dataset

no code implementations4 Jan 2021 Nicholas Botzer, Yifan Ding, Tim Weninger

We introduce and make publicly available an entity linking dataset from Reddit that contains 17, 316 linked entities, each annotated by three human annotators and then grouped into Gold, Silver, and Bronze to indicate inter-annotator agreement.

Entity Linking

Tri-Train: Automatic Pre-Fine Tuning between Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning for SciNER

no code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Qingkai Zeng, Wenhao Yu, Mengxia Yu, Tianwen Jiang, Tim Weninger, Meng Jiang

The training process of scientific NER models is commonly performed in two steps: i) Pre-training a language model by self-supervised tasks on huge data and ii) fine-tune training with small labelled data.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

HetSeq: Distributed GPU Training on Heterogeneous Infrastructure

1 code implementation25 Sep 2020 Yifan Ding, Nicholas Botzer, Tim Weninger

The present work describes HetSeq, a software package adapted from the popular PyTorch package that provides the capability to train large neural network models on heterogeneous infrastructure.

Image Classification Language Modeling +2

Automatic Discovery of Political Meme Genres with Diverse Appearances

no code implementations17 Jan 2020 William Theisen, Joel Brogan, Pamela Bilo Thomas, Daniel Moreira, Pascal Phoa, Tim Weninger, Walter Scheirer

This pipeline can ingest meme images from a social network, apply computer vision-based techniques to extract local features and index new images into a database, and then organize the memes into related genres.

Improved Forecasting of Cryptocurrency Price using Social Signals

no code implementations1 Jul 2019 Maria Glenski, Tim Weninger, Svitlana Volkova

Social media signals have been successfully used to develop large-scale predictive and anticipatory analytics.

Identifying and Understanding User Reactions to Deceptive and Trusted Social News Sources

no code implementations ACL 2018 Maria Glenski, Tim Weninger, Svitlana Volkova

In the age of social news, it is important to understand the types of reactions that are evoked from news sources with various levels of credibility.

Visualizing the Flow of Discourse with a Concept Ontology

1 code implementation23 Feb 2018 Baoxu Shi, Tim Weninger

Understanding and visualizing human discourse has long being a challenging task.

Argument Mining

Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion

1 code implementation9 Nov 2017 Baoxu Shi, Tim Weninger

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have been applied to many tasks including Web search, link prediction, recommendation, natural language processing, and entity linking.

Entity Linking Link Prediction +1

ProjE: Embedding Projection for Knowledge Graph Completion

2 code implementations16 Nov 2016 Baoxu Shi, Tim Weninger

In this work, we present a shared variable neural network model called ProjE that fills-in missing information in a knowledge graph by learning joint embeddings of the knowledge graph's entities and edges, and through subtle, but important, changes to the standard loss function.

Fact Checking Feature Engineering +1

Growing Graphs with Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars

1 code implementation10 Aug 2016 Salvador Aguiñaga, Rodrigo Palacios, David Chiang, Tim Weninger

In experiments on large real world networks, we show that random graphs, generated from extracted graph grammars, exhibit a wide range of properties that are very similar to the original graphs.

Scalable Models for Computing Hierarchies in Information Networks

1 code implementation4 Jan 2016 Baoxu Shi, Tim Weninger

Information hierarchies are organizational structures that often used to organize and present large and complex information as well as provide a mechanism for effective human navigation.

Discriminative Predicate Path Mining for Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs

1 code implementation20 Oct 2015 Baoxu Shi, Tim Weninger

Traditional fact checking by experts and analysts cannot keep pace with the volume of newly created information.

Fact Checking Knowledge Graphs +1

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