Search Results for author: Timofey Frolov

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Grand canonical generative diffusion model for crystalline phases and grain boundaries

no code implementations28 Aug 2024 Bo Lei, Enze Chen, Hyuna Kwon, Tim Hsu, Babak Sadigh, Vincenzo Lordi, Timofey Frolov, Fei Zhou

The diffusion model has emerged as a powerful tool for generating atomic structures for materials science.

Twin-Boundary Structural Phase Transitions in Elemental Titanium

no code implementations10 Mar 2021 Mohammad S. Hooshmand, Ruopeng Zhang, Yan Chong, Enze Chen, Timofey Frolov, David L. Olmsted, Andrew M. Minor, Mark Asta

Twinning in crystalline materials plays an important role in many transformation and deformation processes, where underlying mechanisms can be strongly influenced by the structural, energetic and kinetic properties of associated twin boundaries (TBs).

Materials Science

Predicting phase behavior of grain boundaries with evolutionary search and machine learning

1 code implementation31 Jul 2017 Qiang Zhu, Amit Samanta, Bingxi Li, Robert E. Rudd, Timofey Frolov

The study of grain boundary phase transitions is an emerging field until recently dominated by experiments.

Materials Science

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