no code implementations • ICLR 2019 • Tin Lay Nwe, Shudong Xie, Balaji Nataraj, Yiqun Li, Joo-Hwee Lim
This paper focuses on classifying images displayed on the websites by incremental learning classifier with Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) especially for Context Aware Advertisement (CAA) framework.
no code implementations • 8 Mar 2021 • Ramanpreet S Pahwa, Soon Wee Ho, Ren Qin, Richard Chang, Oo Zaw Min, Wang Jie, Vempati Srinivasa Rao, Tin Lay Nwe, Yanjing Yang, Jens Timo Neumann, Ramani Pichumani, Thomas Gregorich
The extracted digital data was used to characterize and optimize the design and production of the interconnects and demonstrates a superior alternative to destructive physical analysis.
no code implementations • 18 Jul 2020 • Dongyun Lin, Yiqun Li, Shudong Xie, Tin Lay Nwe, Sheng Dong
One pivot challenge for image anomaly (AD) detection is to learn discriminative information only from normal class training images.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • San Pa Pa Aung, Win Pa Pa, Tin Lay Nwe
Myanmar image caption corpus is manually built as part of the Flickr8k dataset in this current work.
no code implementations • MediaEval 2015 Workshop 2015 • Jingyong Hou, Van Tung Pham, Cheung-Chi Leung, Lei Wang, HaiHua Xu, Hang Lv, Lei Xie, Zhonghua Fu, Chongjia Ni, Xiong Xiao, Hongjie Chen, Shaofei Zhang, Sining Sun, Yougen Yuan, Pengcheng Li, Tin Lay Nwe, Sunil Sivadas, Bin Ma, Eng Siong Chng, Haizhou Li
This paper describes the system developed by the NNI team for the Query-by-Example Search on Speech Task (QUESST) in the MediaEval 2015 evaluation.
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