Search Results for author: Tingting Qiao

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Solution for the EPO CodeFest on Green Plastics: Hierarchical multi-label classification of patents relating to green plastics using deep learning

no code implementations22 Feb 2023 Tingting Qiao, Gonzalo Moro Perez

We also interpret our models by visualizing the word importance given by the trained model, which indicates the model is capable to extract high-level semantic information of input documents.

Classification Hierarchical Multi-label Classification

S2IGAN: Speech-to-Image Generation via Adversarial Learning

2 code implementations14 May 2020 Xinsheng Wang, Tingting Qiao, Jihua Zhu, Alan Hanjalic, Odette Scharenborg

An estimated half of the world's languages do not have a written form, making it impossible for these languages to benefit from any existing text-based technologies.

Image Generation

Learn, Imagine and Create: Text-to-Image Generation from Prior Knowledge

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Tingting Qiao, Jing Zhang, Duanqing Xu, DaCheng Tao

Given a text description, we immediately imagine an overall visual impression using this prior and, based on this, we draw a picture by progressively adding more and more details.

Text-to-Image Generation

MirrorGAN: Learning Text-to-image Generation by Redescription

2 code implementations CVPR 2019 Tingting Qiao, Jing Zhang, Duanqing Xu, DaCheng Tao

Generating an image from a given text description has two goals: visual realism and semantic consistency.

Ranked #8 on Text-to-Image Generation on CUB (Inception score metric)

Diversity Sentence +1

Ancient Painting to Natural Image: A New Solution for Painting Processing

1 code implementation2 Jan 2019 Tingting Qiao, Weijing Zhang, Miao Zhang, Zixuan Ma, Duanqing Xu

By doing so, the ancient painting processing problems become natural image processing problems and models trained on natural images can be directly applied to the transferred paintings.

Style Transfer

Exploring Human-like Attention Supervision in Visual Question Answering

no code implementations19 Sep 2017 Tingting Qiao, Jianfeng Dong, Duanqing Xu

Since there is a lack of human attention data, we first propose a Human Attention Network (HAN) to generate human-like attention maps, training on a recently released dataset called Human ATtention Dataset (VQA-HAT).

Question Answering Visual Question Answering

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