Search Results for author: Tobias Meisen

Found 19 papers, 3 papers with code

CASPFormer: Trajectory Prediction from BEV Images with Deformable Attention

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Harsh Yadav, Maximilian Schaefer, Kun Zhao, Tobias Meisen

Motion prediction is an important aspect for Autonomous Driving (AD) and Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).

Autonomous Driving motion prediction +1

Improved Single Camera BEV Perception Using Multi-Camera Training

no code implementations4 Sep 2024 Daniel Busch, Ido Freeman, Richard Meyes, Tobias Meisen

This raises the problem of developing a BEV perception model that provides a sufficient performance on a low-cost sensor setup.

Autonomous Driving Hallucination +1

Task Weighting through Gradient Projection for Multitask Learning

no code implementations3 Sep 2024 Christian Bohn, Ido Freeman, Hasan Tercan, Tobias Meisen

This is commonly addressed by using the Gradient Projection algorithm PCGrad that often leads to faster convergence and improved performance metrics.

Towards Lifelong Learning Embeddings: An Algorithmic Approach to Dynamically Extend Embeddings

no code implementations26 Aug 2024 Miguel Alves Gomes, Philipp Meisen, Tobias Meisen

The rapid evolution of technology has transformed business operations and customer interactions worldwide, with personalization emerging as a key opportunity for e-commerce companies to engage customers more effectively.

Principal Component Clustering for Semantic Segmentation in Synthetic Data Generation

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Felix Stillger, Frederik Hasecke, Tobias Meisen

This technical report outlines our method for generating a synthetic dataset for semantic segmentation using a latent diffusion model.

Clustering Image Segmentation +3

Curriculum Learning in Job Shop Scheduling using Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations17 May 2023 Constantin Waubert de Puiseau, Hasan Tercan, Tobias Meisen

In this paper, we further improve DLR as an underlying method by actively incorporating the variability of difficulty within the same problem size into the design of the learning process.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Graph Neural Network +3

schlably: A Python Framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Scheduling Experiments

1 code implementation10 Jan 2023 Constantin Waubert de Puiseau, Jannik Peters, Christian Dörpelkus, Hasan Tercan, Tobias Meisen

Research on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based production scheduling (PS) has gained a lot of attention in recent years, primarily due to the high demand for optimizing scheduling problems in diverse industry settings.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Job Shop Scheduling +3

Karolos: An Open-Source Reinforcement Learning Framework for Robot-Task Environments

1 code implementation1 Dec 2022 Christian Bitter, Timo Thun, Tobias Meisen

In reinforcement learning (RL) research, simulations enable benchmarks between algorithms, as well as prototyping and hyper-parameter tuning of agents.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Towards NLP-supported Semantic Data Management

no code implementations14 May 2020 Andreas Burgdorf, André Pomp, Tobias Meisen

Finally, we will use the created ontology and automatically identified semantic models to either rate descriptions for new data sources or even to automatically generate descriptive texts that are easier to understand by the human user than formal models.

Descriptive Management

How Do You Act? An Empirical Study to Understand Behavior of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents

no code implementations7 Apr 2020 Richard Meyes, Moritz Schneider, Tobias Meisen

We show that the healthy agent's behavior is characterized by a distinct correlation pattern between the network's layer activation and the performed actions during an episode and that network ablations, which cause a strong change of this pattern, lead to the agent failing its trained control task.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +1

Under the Hood of Neural Networks: Characterizing Learned Representations by Functional Neuron Populations and Network Ablations

no code implementations2 Apr 2020 Richard Meyes, Constantin Waubert de Puiseau, Andres Posada-Moreno, Tobias Meisen

The need for more transparency of the decision-making processes in artificial neural networks steadily increases driven by their applications in safety critical and ethically challenging domains such as autonomous driving or medical diagnostics.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +1

Transferring knowledge from monitored to unmonitored areas for forecasting parking spaces

no code implementations7 Aug 2019 Andrei Ionita, André Pomp, Michael Cochez, Tobias Meisen, Stefan Decker

Smart cities around the world have begun monitoring parking areas in order to estimate available parking spots and help drivers looking for parking.

Ablation Studies in Artificial Neural Networks

1 code implementation24 Jan 2019 Richard Meyes, Melanie Lu, Constantin Waubert de Puiseau, Tobias Meisen

considering the growth in size and complexity of state-of-the-art artificial neural networks (ANNs) and the corresponding growth in complexity of the tasks that are tackled by these networks, the question arises whether ablation studies may be used to investigate these networks for a similar organization of their inner representations.

Ablation of a Robot's Brain: Neural Networks Under a Knife

no code implementations13 Dec 2018 Peter E. Lillian, Richard Meyes, Tobias Meisen

It is still not fully understood exactly how neural networks are able to solve the complex tasks that have recently pushed AI research forward.

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