Search Results for author: Tom B. Brown

Found 9 papers, 7 papers with code

Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural Networks

1 code implementation8 May 2020 Danny Hernandez, Tom B. Brown

Three factors drive the advance of AI: algorithmic innovation, data, and the amount of compute available for training.

Fine-Tuning Language Models from Human Preferences

9 code implementations18 Sep 2019 Daniel M. Ziegler, Nisan Stiennon, Jeffrey Wu, Tom B. Brown, Alec Radford, Dario Amodei, Paul Christiano, Geoffrey Irving

Most work on reward learning has used simulated environments, but complex information about values is often expressed in natural language, and we believe reward learning for language is a key to making RL practical and safe for real-world tasks.

Descriptive Language Modelling +2

Unrestricted Adversarial Examples

1 code implementation22 Sep 2018 Tom B. Brown, Nicholas Carlini, Chiyuan Zhang, Catherine Olsson, Paul Christiano, Ian Goodfellow

We introduce a two-player contest for evaluating the safety and robustness of machine learning systems, with a large prize pool.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Is Generator Conditioning Causally Related to GAN Performance?

no code implementations ICML 2018 Augustus Odena, Jacob Buckman, Catherine Olsson, Tom B. Brown, Christopher Olah, Colin Raffel, Ian Goodfellow

Motivated by this, we study the distribution of singular values of the Jacobian of the generator in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

Adversarial Patch

10 code implementations27 Dec 2017 Tom B. Brown, Dandelion Mané, Aurko Roy, Martín Abadi, Justin Gilmer

We present a method to create universal, robust, targeted adversarial image patches in the real world.

Deep reinforcement learning from human preferences

6 code implementations NeurIPS 2017 Paul Christiano, Jan Leike, Tom B. Brown, Miljan Martic, Shane Legg, Dario Amodei

For sophisticated reinforcement learning (RL) systems to interact usefully with real-world environments, we need to communicate complex goals to these systems.

Atari Games Deep Reinforcement Learning +2

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