no code implementations • 23 Nov 2020 • Jayant Gupchup, Ashkan Aazami, Yaran Fan, Senja Filipi, Tom Finley, Scott Inglis, Marcus Asteborg, Luke Caroll, Rajan Chari, Markus Cozowicz, Vishak Gopal, Vinod Prakash, Sasikanth Bendapudi, Jack Gerrits, Eric Lau, Huazhou Liu, Marco Rossi, Dima Slobodianyk, Dmitri Birjukov, Matty Cooper, Nilesh Javar, Dmitriy Perednya, Sriram Srinivasan, John Langford, Ross Cutler, Johannes Gehrke
Large software systems tune hundreds of 'constants' to optimize their runtime performance.
no code implementations • 14 May 2019 • Zeeshan Ahmed, Saeed Amizadeh, Mikhail Bilenko, Rogan Carr, Wei-Sheng Chin, Yael Dekel, Xavier Dupre, Vadim Eksarevskiy, Eric Erhardt, Costin Eseanu, Senja Filipi, Tom Finley, Abhishek Goswami, Monte Hoover, Scott Inglis, Matteo Interlandi, Shon Katzenberger, Najeeb Kazmi, Gleb Krivosheev, Pete Luferenko, Ivan Matantsev, Sergiy Matusevych, Shahab Moradi, Gani Nazirov, Justin Ormont, Gal Oshri, Artidoro Pagnoni, Jignesh Parmar, Prabhat Roy, Sarthak Shah, Mohammad Zeeshan Siddiqui, Markus Weimer, Shauheen Zahirazami, Yiwen Zhu
Machine Learning is transitioning from an art and science into a technology available to every developer.
1 code implementation • 18 Dec 2014 • Pengtao Xie, Misha Bilenko, Tom Finley, Ran Gilad-Bachrach, Kristin Lauter, Michael Naehrig
To achieve the privacy requirements, we use homomorphic encryption in the following protocol: the data owner encrypts the data and sends the ciphertexts to the third party to obtain a prediction from a trained model.