Search Results for author: Tom Marty

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

The BrowserGym Ecosystem for Web Agent Research

2 code implementations6 Dec 2024 Thibault Le Sellier De Chezelles, Maxime Gasse, Alexandre Drouin, Massimo Caccia, Léo Boisvert, Megh Thakkar, Tom Marty, Rim Assouel, Sahar Omidi Shayegan, Lawrence Keunho Jang, Xing Han Lù, Ori Yoran, Dehan Kong, Frank F. Xu, Siva Reddy, Quentin Cappart, Graham Neubig, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Nicolas Chapados, Alexandre Lacoste

The BrowserGym ecosystem addresses the growing need for efficient evaluation and benchmarking of web agents, particularly those leveraging automation and Large Language Models (LLMs) for web interaction tasks.


In-context learning and Occam's razor

1 code implementation17 Oct 2024 Eric Elmoznino, Tom Marty, Tejas Kasetty, Leo Gagnon, Sarthak Mittal, Mahan Fathi, Dhanya Sridhar, Guillaume Lajoie

While the No Free Lunch Theorem states that we cannot obtain theoretical guarantees for generalization without further assumptions, in practice we observe that simple models which explain the training data generalize best: a principle called Occam's razor.

Data Compression In-Context Learning

Learning a Generic Value-Selection Heuristic Inside a Constraint Programming Solver

1 code implementation5 Jan 2023 Tom Marty, Tristan François, Pierre Tessier, Louis Gauthier, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Quentin Cappart

Important design choices in a solver are the branching heuristics, which are designed to lead the search to the best solutions in a minimum amount of time.

Graph Neural Network Q-Learning +1

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