Search Results for author: Tom Melham

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Exposing Previously Undetectable Faults in Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations1 Jun 2021 Isaac Dunn, Hadrien Pouget, Daniel Kroening, Tom Melham

Existing methods for testing DNNs solve the oracle problem by constraining the raw features (e. g. image pixel values) to be within a small distance of a dataset example for which the desired DNN output is known.

DNN Testing

Evaluating Robustness to Context-Sensitive Feature Perturbations of Different Granularities

no code implementations29 Jan 2020 Isaac Dunn, Laura Hanu, Hadrien Pouget, Daniel Kroening, Tom Melham

We cannot guarantee that training datasets are representative of the distribution of inputs that will be encountered during deployment.

Autonomous Driving

Learning Concise Models from Long Execution Traces

1 code implementation15 Jan 2020 Natasha Yogananda Jeppu, Tom Melham, Daniel Kroening, John O'Leary

Abstract models of system-level behaviour have applications in design exploration, analysis, testing and verification.

Formal Languages and Automata Theory Software Engineering

DeepSynth: Automata Synthesis for Automatic Task Segmentation in Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation22 Nov 2019 Mohammadhosein Hasanbeig, Natasha Yogananda Jeppu, Alessandro Abate, Tom Melham, Daniel Kroening

This paper proposes DeepSynth, a method for effective training of deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents when the reward is sparse and non-Markovian, but at the same time progress towards the reward requires achieving an unknown sequence of high-level objectives.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning +5

Adaptive Generation of Unrestricted Adversarial Inputs

no code implementations7 May 2019 Isaac Dunn, Hadrien Pouget, Tom Melham, Daniel Kroening

Neural networks are vulnerable to adversarially-constructed perturbations of their inputs.

Automatic Heap Layout Manipulation for Exploitation

1 code implementation23 Apr 2018 Sean Heelan, Tom Melham, Daniel Kroening

In this paper we present the first automatic approach to the problem, based on pseudo-random black-box search.

Cryptography and Security Programming Languages

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