Search Results for author: Tomoki Ichikawa

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

SPIDeRS: Structured Polarization for Invisible Depth and Reflectance Sensing

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Tomoki Ichikawa, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

We introduce structured polarization for invisible depth and reflectance sensing (SPIDeRS), the first depth and reflectance sensing method using patterns of polarized light.

Fresnel Microfacet BRDF: Unification of Polari-Radiometric Surface-Body Reflection

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Tomoki Ichikawa, Yoshiki Fukao, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Our key idea is to model the Fresnel reflection and transmission of the surface microgeometry with a collection of oriented mirror facets, both for body and surface reflections.

Shape From Sky: Polarimetric Normal Recovery Under the Sky

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Tomoki Ichikawa, Matthew Purri, Ryo Kawahara, Shohei Nobuhara, Kristin Dana, Ko Nishino

That is, we show that the unique polarization pattern encoded in the polarimetric appearance of an object captured under the sky can be decoded to reveal the surface normal at each pixel.


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