Search Results for author: Tong Bu

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Enhancing Adversarial Robustness in SNNs with Sparse Gradients

no code implementations30 May 2024 Yujia Liu, Tong Bu, Jianhao Ding, Zecheng Hao, Tiejun Huang, Zhaofei Yu

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to enhance the robustness of SNNs through gradient sparsity regularization.

Adversarial Robustness

Bridging the Gap between ANNs and SNNs by Calibrating Offset Spikes

2 code implementations21 Feb 2023 Zecheng Hao, Jianhao Ding, Tong Bu, Tiejun Huang, Zhaofei Yu

The experimental results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets.

Reducing ANN-SNN Conversion Error through Residual Membrane Potential

2 code implementations4 Feb 2023 Zecheng Hao, Tong Bu, Jianhao Ding, Tiejun Huang, Zhaofei Yu

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have received extensive academic attention due to the unique properties of low power consumption and high-speed computing on neuromorphic chips.

Temporal Sequences

Rate Gradient Approximation Attack Threats Deep Spiking Neural Networks

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Tong Bu, Jianhao Ding, Zecheng Hao, Zhaofei Yu

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have attracted significant attention due to their energy-efficient properties and potential application on neuromorphic hardware.

Image Classification

Optimized Potential Initialization for Low-latency Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations3 Feb 2022 Tong Bu, Jianhao Ding, Zhaofei Yu, Tiejun Huang

We evaluate our algorithm on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets and achieve state-of-the-art accuracy, using fewer time-steps.

Adversarial Robustness

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