Search Results for author: Tongyue Shi

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Identifying Subgroups of ICU Patients Using End-to-End Multivariate Time-Series Clustering Algorithm Based on Real-World Vital Signs Data

no code implementations3 Jun 2023 Tongyue Shi, Zhilong Zhang, Wentie Liu, Junhua Fang, Jianguo Hao, Shuai Jin, Huiying Zhao, Guilan Kong

This study employed the MIMIC-IV database as data source to investigate the use of dynamic, high-frequency, multivariate time-series vital signs data, including temperature, heart rate, mean blood pressure, respiratory rate, and SpO2, monitored first 8 hours data in the ICU stay.

Clustering ICU Mortality +3

Mathematical Modeling Analysis and Optimization of Fungal Diversity Growth

no code implementations4 Aug 2022 Tongyue Shi, Haining Wang

This paper studied the relationship between the decomposition rate of fungi and temperature, humidity, fungus elongation, moisture tolerance and fungus density in a given volume in the presence of a variety of fungi, and established a series of models to describe the decomposition of fungi in different states.


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