Search Results for author: Toshinobu Ogiso

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Analyzing Continuous Semantic Shifts with Diachronic Word Similarity Matrices

1 code implementation16 Jan 2025 Hajime Kiyama, Taichi Aida, Mamoru Komachi, Toshinobu Ogiso, Hiroya Takamura, Daichi Mochihashi

To address those issues, we propose a simple yet intuitive framework for how semantic shifts occur over multiple time periods by leveraging a similarity matrix between the embeddings of the same word through time.

Word Embeddings Word Similarity

UniDic for Early Middle Japanese: a Dictionary for Morphological Analysis of Classical Japanese

no code implementations LREC 2012 Toshinobu Ogiso, Mamoru Komachi, Yasuharu Den, Yuji Matsumoto

In order to construct an annotated diachronic corpus of Japanese, we propose to create a new dictionary for morphological analysis of Early Middle Japanese (Classical Japanese) based on UniDic, a dictionary for Contemporary Japanese.

Morphological Analysis

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