1 code implementation • IWCS (ACL) 2021 • Touhidul Alam, Alessandra Zarcone, Sebastian Padó
Reliable tagging of Temporal Expressions (TEs, e. g., Book a table at L’Osteria for Sunday evening) is a central requirement for Voice Assistants (VAs).
no code implementations • 7 Sep 2023 • Mina Foosherian, Hendrik Purwins, Purna Rathnayake, Touhidul Alam, Rui Teimao, Klaus-Dieter Thoben
A hybrid approach in which LLMs' are integrated into the pipeline-based agents allows them to save time and costs of building and running agents by capitalizing on the capabilities of LLMs while retaining the integration and privacy safeguards of their existing systems.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Aless Zarcone, ra, Touhidul Alam, Zahra Kolagar
The recognition and automatic annotation of temporal expressions (e. g. {``}Add an event for tomorrow evening at eight to my calendar{''}) is a key module for AI voice assistants, in order to allow them to interact with apps (for example, a calendar app).