no code implementations • 20 Apr 2022 • Miao Yu, Tingting Xiang, Venkata Pavan Kumar Miriyala, Trevor E. Carlson
Machine learning, particularly deep neural network inference, has become a vital workload for many computing systems, from data centers and HPC systems to edge-based computing.
1 code implementation • 25 Jul 2020 • Anshul Aggarwal, Trevor E. Carlson, Reza Shokri, Shruti Tople
In this setting, our objective is to protect the confidentiality of both the users' input queries as well as the model parameters at the server, with modest computation and communication overhead.
no code implementations • 3 Jun 2020 • Srivatsa P, Kyle Timothy Ng Chu, Burin Amornpaisannon, Yaswanth Tavva, Venkata Pavan Kumar Miriyala, Jibin Wu, Malu Zhang, Haizhou Li, Trevor E. Carlson
Rate-encoded SNNs could be seen as inefficient as an encoding scheme because it involves the transmission of a large number of spikes.
no code implementations • 26 Mar 2020 • Malu Zhang, Jiadong Wang, Burin Amornpaisannon, Zhixuan Zhang, VPK Miriyala, Ammar Belatreche, Hong Qu, Jibin Wu, Yansong Chua, Trevor E. Carlson, Haizhou Li
In STDBP algorithm, the timing of individual spikes is used to convey information (temporal coding), and learning (back-propagation) is performed based on spike timing in an event-driven manner.