no code implementations • SIGDIAL (ACL) 2021 • Koshiro Okano, Yu Suzuki, Masaya Kawamura, Tsuneo Kato, Akihiro Tamura, Jianming Wu
Responses generated by neural conversational models (NCMs) for non-task-oriented systems are difficult to evaluate.
no code implementations • BioNLP (ACL) 2022 • Taiki Watanabe, Tomoya Ichikawa, Akihiro Tamura, Tomoya Iwakura, Chunpeng Ma, Tsuneo Kato
As one of the NER improvement approaches, multi-task learning that learns a model from multiple training data has been used.
1 code implementation • LREC 2022 • Kazuki Tani, Ryoya Yuasa, Kazuki Takikawa, Akihiro Tamura, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Takashi Ninomiya, Tsuneo Kato
Therefore, we create a benchmark test dataset for Japanese-to-English MLCC-MT from the Newsela corpus by introducing an automatic filtering of data with inappropriate sentence-level complexity, manual check for parallel target language sentences with different complexity levels, and manual translation.
no code implementations • 4 Nov 2018 • Kohki Mametani, Tsuneo Kato, Seiichi Yamamoto
Recent studies have introduced end-to-end TTS, which integrates the production of context and acoustic features in statistical parametric speech synthesis.
no code implementations • WS 2017 • Tsuneo Kato, Atsushi Nagai, Naoki Noda, Ryosuke Sumitomo, Jianming Wu, Seiichi Yamamoto
Recursive autoencoders (RAEs) for compositionality of a vector space model were applied to utterance intent classification of a smartphone-based Japanese-language spoken dialogue system.
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • AlBara Khalifa, Tsuneo Kato, Seiichi Yamamoto
Dialogue robots are attractive to people, and in language learning systems, they motivate learners and let them practice conversational skills in more realistic environment.
Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2