Search Results for author: Tucker Netherton

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

DIFR3CT: Latent Diffusion for Probabilistic 3D CT Reconstruction from Few Planar X-Rays

1 code implementation27 Aug 2024 Yiran Sun, Hana Baroudi, Tucker Netherton, Laurence Court, Osama Mawlawi, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Guha Balakrishnan

Computed Tomography (CT) scans are the standard-of-care for the visualization and diagnosis of many clinical ailments, and are needed for the treatment planning of external beam radiotherapy.

Anatomy Computed Tomography (CT) +3

MIST: A Simple and Scalable End-To-End 3D Medical Imaging Segmentation Framework

2 code implementations31 Jul 2024 Adrian Celaya, Evan Lim, Rachel Glenn, Brayden Mi, Alex Balsells, Dawid Schellingerhout, Tucker Netherton, Caroline Chung, Beatrice Riviere, David Fuentes

To address this, we introduce the Medical Imaging Segmentation Toolkit (MIST), a simple, modular, and end-to-end medical imaging segmentation framework designed to facilitate consistent training, testing, and evaluation of deep learning-based medical imaging segmentation methods.

3D Medical Imaging Segmentation Segmentation

CT Reconstruction from Few Planar X-rays with Application towards Low-resource Radiotherapy

1 code implementation4 Aug 2023 Yiran Sun, Tucker Netherton, Laurence Court, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Guha Balakrishnan

In this work, we propose a method to generate CT volumes from few (<5) planar X-ray observations using a prior data distribution, and perform the first evaluation of such a reconstruction algorithm for a clinical application: radiotherapy planning.

Anatomy CT Reconstruction +1

Automated WBRT Treatment Planning via Deep Learning Auto-Contouring and Customizable Landmark-Based Field Aperture Design

no code implementations24 May 2022 Yao Xiao, Carlos Cardenas, Dong Joo Rhee, Tucker Netherton, Lifei Zhang, Callistus Nguyen, Raphael Douglas, Raymond Mumme, Stephen Skett, Tina Patel, Chris Trauernicht, Caroline Chung, Hannah Simonds, Ajay Aggarwal, Laurence Court

In this work, we developed and evaluated a novel pipeline consisting of two landmark-based field aperture generation approaches for WBRT treatment planning; they are fully automated and customizable.

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