Search Results for author: Umar Jamil

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Writing in the Margins: Better Inference Pattern for Long Context Retrieval

2 code implementations27 Aug 2024 Melisa Russak, Umar Jamil, Christopher Bryant, Kiran Kamble, Axel Magnuson, Mateusz Russak, Waseem AlShikh

In this paper, we introduce Writing in the Margins (WiM), a new inference pattern for Large Language Models designed to optimize the handling of long input sequences in retrieval-oriented tasks.

RAG Retrieval

Power Loss Minimization of Distribution Network using Different Grid Strategies

no code implementations12 Jul 2023 Umar Jamil

The reliability of electrical power systems can be improved by decreasing network power loss and by improving the voltage profile.

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