no code implementations • CVPR 2018 • Huiyuan Yang, Umur Ciftci, Lijun Yin
We call this procedure de-expression because the expressive information is filtered out by the generative model; however, the expressive information is still recorded in the intermediate layers.
Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER)
no code implementations • CVPR 2016 • Zheng Zhang, Jeff M. Girard, Yue Wu, Xing Zhang, Peng Liu, Umur Ciftci, Shaun Canavan, Michael Reale, Andy Horowitz, Huiyuan Yang, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Qiang Ji, Lijun Yin
The corpus further includes derived features from 3D, 2D, and IR (infrared) sensors and baseline results for facial expression and action unit detection.