no code implementations • 8 Nov 2022 • Sarthak Sharma, Unnikrishnan R. Nair, Udit Singh Parihar, Midhun Menon S, Srikanth Vidapanakal
To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel representation that captures various traffic participants appearance and occupancy information from an array of monocular cameras covering 360 deg field of view (FOV).
no code implementations • 11 May 2022 • Unnikrishnan R. Nair, Sarthak Sharma, Midhun S. Menon, Srikanth Vidapanakal
To overcome this limitation, we propose Neural Manifold Representation (NMR), a representation for the task of autonomous driving that learns to infer semantics and predict way-points on a manifold over a finite horizon, centered on the ego-vehicle.