no code implementations • 10 Dec 2024 • Gabriele Agliardi, Giorgio Cortiana, Anton Dekusar, Kumar Ghosh, Naeimeh Mohseni, Corey O'Meara, Víctor Valls, Kavitha Yogaraj, Sergiy Zhuk
In this work, we address said challenges by applying fidelity kernels to real-world data with unknown structure, related to the scheduling of a fleet of electric vehicles, and to synthetic data generated from the union of subspaces, which is then close to many relevant real-world datasets.
no code implementations • 12 Sep 2023 • Víctor Valls, Mykhaylo Zayats, Alessandra Pascale
Specifically, we propose a mathematical model that decouples the GNN connectivity from the connectivity of the graph data and evaluate the performance of GNNs in a clinical triage use case.
1 code implementation • 22 Jun 2023 • Hoang Thanh Lam, Marco Luca Sbodio, Marcos Martínez Galindo, Mykhaylo Zayats, Raúl Fernández-Díaz, Víctor Valls, Gabriele Picco, Cesar Berrospi Ramis, Vanessa López
Recent research on predicting the binding affinity between drug molecules and proteins use representations learned, through unsupervised learning techniques, from large databases of molecule SMILES and protein sequences.