Search Results for author: V. Roshan Joseph

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Factor Importance Ranking and Selection using Total Indices

no code implementations1 Jan 2024 Chaofan Huang, V. Roshan Joseph

Factor importance measures the impact of each feature on output prediction accuracy.

Binary Classification

Rational Kriging

no code implementations8 Dec 2023 V. Roshan Joseph

This article proposes a new kriging that has a rational form.

Uncertainty Quantification

Asset Bundling for Wind Power Forecasting

no code implementations28 Sep 2023 Hanyu Zhang, Mathieu Tanneau, Chaofan Huang, V. Roshan Joseph, Shangkun Wang, Pascal Van Hentenryck

This approach effectively introduces an auxiliary learning task (predicting the bundle-level time series) to help the main learning tasks.

Auxiliary Learning Time Series

Optimal Ratio for Data Splitting

no code implementations7 Feb 2022 V. Roshan Joseph

It is common to split a dataset into training and testing sets before fitting a statistical or machine learning model.

BIG-bench Machine Learning regression

Data Twinning

no code implementations6 Oct 2021 Akhil Vakayil, V. Roshan Joseph

In this work, we develop a method named Twinning, for partitioning a dataset into statistically similar twin sets.

Data Compression

SPlit: An Optimal Method for Data Splitting

no code implementations20 Dec 2020 V. Roshan Joseph, Akhil Vakayil

In this article we propose an optimal method referred to as SPlit for splitting a dataset into training and testing sets.


Composite Gaussian process models for emulating expensive functions

no code implementations11 Jan 2013 Shan Ba, V. Roshan Joseph

A new type of nonstationary Gaussian process model is developed for approximating computationally expensive functions.


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