Search Results for author: Vahid Behzadan

Found 25 papers, 7 papers with code

Cognitive Overload Attack:Prompt Injection for Long Context

1 code implementation15 Oct 2024 Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan, Amin Karbasi

We applied the principles of Cognitive Load Theory in LLMs and empirically validate that similar to human cognition, LLMs also suffer from cognitive overload a state where the demand on cognitive processing exceeds the available capacity of the model, leading to potential errors.

In-Context Learning LLM Jailbreak

Sandwich attack: Multi-language Mixture Adaptive Attack on LLMs

no code implementations9 Apr 2024 Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan

In this paper, we introduce a new black-box attack vector called the \emph{Sandwich attack}: a multi-language mixture attack, which manipulates state-of-the-art LLMs into generating harmful and misaligned responses.

TaCo: Enhancing Cross-Lingual Transfer for Low-Resource Languages in LLMs through Translation-Assisted Chain-of-Thought Processes

1 code implementation17 Nov 2023 Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan

Our results indicate that the TaCo method impresses GPT-4 with an 82\% score for a low-resource language in the Vicuna Benchmark dataset, doubling the performance in contrast to instruction tuning alone.

Cross-Lingual Transfer Translation

Adversarial Stimuli: Attacking Brain-Computer Interfaces via Perturbed Sensory Events

no code implementations18 Nov 2022 Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan

Machine learning models are known to be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations in the input domain, causing incorrect predictions.

EEG Motor Imagery

Mitigation of Adversarial Policy Imitation via Constrained Randomization of Policy (CRoP)

no code implementations AAAI Workshop AdvML 2022 Nancirose Piazza, Vahid Behzadan

Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) policies are vulnerable to unauthorized replication attacks, where an adversary exploits imitation learning to reproduce target policies from observed behavior.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Imitation Learning +2

Stochastic Induction of Decision Trees with Application to Learning Haar Tree

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Azar Alizadeh, Pooya Tavallali, Vahid Behzadan, Mukesh Singhal

Experimentally, the algorithm is compared with several other related state-of-the-art decision tree learning methods, including the baseline non-stochastic approach.

Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbor Model for Regression

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Pooya Tavallali, Vahid Behzadan, Mukesh Singhal

This algorithm is comprised of two steps: (1) The assignment step, where assignments of the samples to each centroid is found and the target response (i. e., prediction) of each centroid is determined; and (2) the update/centroid step, where each centroid is updated such that the loss function of the entire model is minimized.

Binary Classification regression

Adversarial Poisoning Attacks and Defense for General Multi-Class Models Based On Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbors

no code implementations11 Feb 2021 Pooya Tavallali, Vahid Behzadan, Peyman Tavallali, Mukesh Singhal

Through extensive experimental analysis, we demonstrate that (i) the proposed attack technique can deteriorate the accuracy of several models drastically, and (ii) under the proposed attack, the proposed defense technique significantly outperforms other conventional machine learning models in recovering the accuracy of the targeted model.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Data Poisoning

Adversarial Attacks on Deep Algorithmic Trading Policies

no code implementations22 Oct 2020 Yaser Faghan, Nancirose Piazza, Vahid Behzadan, Ali Fathi

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has become an appealing solution to algorithmic trading such as high frequency trading of stocks and cyptocurrencies.

Algorithmic Trading Deep Reinforcement Learning +2

Sentimental LIAR: Extended Corpus and Deep Learning Models for Fake Claim Classification

2 code implementations1 Sep 2020 Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan

The rampant integration of social media in our every day lives and culture has given rise to fast and easier access to the flow of information than ever in human history.

Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction Emotion Recognition +4

Founding The Domain of AI Forensics

no code implementations11 Dec 2019 Ibrahim Baggili, Vahid Behzadan

With the widespread integration of AI in everyday and critical technologies, it seems inevitable to witness increasing instances of failure in AI systems.

A Novel Approach for Detection and Ranking of Trendy and Emerging Cyber Threat Events in Twitter Streams

no code implementations12 Jul 2019 Avishek Bose, Vahid Behzadan, Carlos Aguirre, William H. Hsu

We present a new machine learning and text information extraction approach to detection of cyber threat events in Twitter that are novel (previously non-extant) and developing (marked by significance with respect to similarity with a previously detected event).

BIG-bench Machine Learning Event Detection

RL-Based Method for Benchmarking the Adversarial Resilience and Robustness of Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies

no code implementations3 Jun 2019 Vahid Behzadan, William Hsu

This paper investigates the resilience and robustness of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) policies to adversarial perturbations in the state space.

Benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning +3

Sequential Triggers for Watermarking of Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies

no code implementations3 Jun 2019 Vahid Behzadan, William Hsu

This scheme provides a mechanism for the integration of a unique identifier within the policy in the form of its response to a designated sequence of state transitions, while incurring minimal impact on the nominal performance of the policy.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Adversarial Exploitation of Policy Imitation

no code implementations3 Jun 2019 Vahid Behzadan, William Hsu

This paper investigates a class of attacks targeting the confidentiality aspect of security in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) policies.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Imitation Learning +3

Analysis and Improvement of Adversarial Training in DQN Agents With Adversarially-Guided Exploration (AGE)

no code implementations3 Jun 2019 Vahid Behzadan, William Hsu

This paper investigates the effectiveness of adversarial training in enhancing the robustness of Deep Q-Network (DQN) policies to state-space perturbations.

TrolleyMod v1.0: An Open-Source Simulation and Data-Collection Platform for Ethical Decision Making in Autonomous Vehicles

1 code implementation14 Nov 2018 Vahid Behzadan, James Minton, Arslan Munir

This paper presents TrolleyMod v1. 0, an open-source platform based on the CARLA simulator for the collection of ethical decision-making data for autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles Decision Making +1

The Faults in Our Pi Stars: Security Issues and Open Challenges in Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations23 Oct 2018 Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir

Since the inception of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms, there has been a growing interest in both research and industrial communities in the promising potentials of this paradigm.

Autonomous Navigation Deep Reinforcement Learning

Mitigation of Policy Manipulation Attacks on Deep Q-Networks with Parameter-Space Noise

no code implementations4 Jun 2018 Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir

Recent developments have established the vulnerability of deep reinforcement learning to policy manipulation attacks via intentionally perturbed inputs, known as adversarial examples.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Framework for Benchmarking Collision Avoidance Mechanisms in Autonomous Vehicles

no code implementations4 Jun 2018 Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir

With the rapidly growing interest in autonomous navigation, the body of research on motion planning and collision avoidance techniques has enjoyed an accelerating rate of novel proposals and developments.

Autonomous Navigation Benchmarking +5

A Psychopathological Approach to Safety Engineering in AI and AGI

no code implementations23 May 2018 Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir, Roman V. Yampolskiy

The complexity of dynamics in AI techniques is already approaching that of complex adaptive systems, thus curtailing the feasibility of formal controllability and reachability analysis in the context of AI safety.

Whatever Does Not Kill Deep Reinforcement Learning, Makes It Stronger

4 code implementations23 Dec 2017 Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir

Recent developments have established the vulnerability of deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) to policy manipulation attacks via adversarial perturbations.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Vulnerability of Deep Reinforcement Learning to Policy Induction Attacks

1 code implementation16 Jan 2017 Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir

Deep learning classifiers are known to be inherently vulnerable to manipulation by intentionally perturbed inputs, named adversarial examples.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

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