Search Results for author: Valentin Walther

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Photon-photon interactions in Rydberg-atom arrays

no code implementations27 Jan 2021 Lida Zhang, Valentin Walther, Klaus Mølmer, Thomas Pohl

We investigate the interaction of weak light fields with two-dimensional lattices of atoms, in which two-photon coupling establishes conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency and excites high lying atomic Rydberg states.

Quantum Physics

Attractor Metadynamics in Adapting Neural Networks

no code implementations22 Apr 2014 Claudius Gros, Mathias Linkerhand, Valentin Walther

We find both first- and second-order changes in the location of adiabatic attractors and argue that the study of the continuously evolving attractor landscape constitutes a powerful tool for understanding the overall development of the neural dynamics.

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