no code implementations • 18 Mar 2021 • Florian Rehm, Sofia Vallecorsa, Vikram Saletore, Hans Pabst, Adel Chaibi, Valeriu Codreanu, Kerstin Borras, Dirk Krücker
We employ the novel Intel low precision optimization tool (iLoT) for quantization and compare the results to the quantized model from TensorFlow Lite.
no code implementations • 10 May 2019 • Derya Cavdar, Valeriu Codreanu, Can Karakus, John A. Lockman III, Damian Podareanu, Vikram Saletore, Alexander Sergeev, Don D. Smith II, Victor Suthichai, Quy Ta, Srinivas Varadharajan, Lucas A. Wilson, Rengan Xu, Pei Yang
Neural machine translation - using neural networks to translate human language - is an area of active research exploring new neuron types and network topologies with the goal of dramatically improving machine translation performance.
no code implementations • 12 Nov 2017 • Valeriu Codreanu, Damian Podareanu, Vikram Saletore
Furthermore, as datasets grow, the representation learning potential of deep networks grows as well by using more complex models.
2 code implementations • 19 Mar 2017 • Cedric Nugteren, Valeriu Codreanu
For matrix-multiplication, we use CLTune to explore a parameter space of more than two-hundred thousand configurations, we show the need for device-specific tuning, and outperform the clBLAS library on NVIDIA, AMD and Intel GPUs.