Search Results for author: Vasant Honavar

Found 28 papers, 4 papers with code

Regression with Large Language Models for Materials and Molecular Property Prediction

no code implementations9 Sep 2024 Ryan Jacobs, Maciej P. Polak, Lane E. Schultz, Hamed Mahdavi, Vasant Honavar, Dane Morgan

We demonstrate the ability of large language models (LLMs) to perform material and molecular property regression tasks, a significant deviation from the conventional LLM use case.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +3

Causal Effect Estimation Using Random Hyperplane Tessellations

1 code implementation16 Apr 2024 Abhishek Dalvi, Neil Ashtekar, Vasant Honavar

Matching is one of the simplest approaches for estimating causal effects from observational data.

Hyperdimensional Computing for Node Classification and Link Prediction

no code implementations26 Feb 2024 Abhishek Dalvi, Vasant Honavar

Our experiments also show that the HD representation constructed by HDGL supports link prediction at accuracies comparable to that of DeepWalk and related methods, although it falls short of SOTA Graph Neural Network (GNN) methods that rely on computationally expensive iterative training.

Classification Class Incremental Learning +7

Representing and Reasoning with Multi-Stakeholder Qualitative Preference Queries

no code implementations30 Jul 2023 Samik Basu, Vasant Honavar, Ganesh Ram Santhanam, Jia Tao

Many decision-making scenarios, e. g., public policy, healthcare, business, and disaster response, require accommodating the preferences of multiple stakeholders.

Decision Making Disaster Response

Forecasting User Interests Through Topic Tag Predictions in Online Health Communities

no code implementations5 Nov 2022 Amogh Subbakrishna Adishesha, Lily Jakielaszek, Fariha Azhar, Peixuan Zhang, Vasant Honavar, Fenglong Ma, Chandra Belani, Prasenjit Mitra, Sharon Xiaolei Huang

Specifically, we pose the problem of predicting topic tags or keywords that describe the future information needs of users based on their profiles, traces of their online interactions within the community (past posts, replies) and the profiles and traces of online interactions of other users with similar profiles and similar traces of past interaction with the target users.

Recommendation Systems Text2text Generation

Zooming Into the Darknet: Characterizing Internet Background Radiation and its Structural Changes

no code implementations29 Jul 2021 Michalis Kallitsis, Vasant Honavar, Rupesh Prajapati, Dinghao Wu, John Yen

Network telescopes or "Darknets" provide a unique window into Internet-wide malicious activities associated with malware propagation, denial of service attacks, scanning performed for network reconnaissance, and others.

Clustering Representation Learning

Explainable Multivariate Time Series Classification: A Deep Neural Network Which Learns To Attend To Important Variables As Well As Informative Time Intervals

1 code implementation23 Nov 2020 Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Suhang Wang, Yiwei Sun, Vasant Honavar

Time series data is prevalent in a wide variety of real-world applications and it calls for trustworthy and explainable models for people to understand and fully trust decisions made by AI solutions.

Explainable Models General Classification +3

A Causal Lens for Peeking into Black Box Predictive Models: Predictive Model Interpretation via Causal Attribution

no code implementations1 Aug 2020 Aria Khademi, Vasant Honavar

We aim to address this problem in settings where the predictive model is a black box; That is, we can only observe the response of the model to various inputs, but have no knowledge about the internal structure of the predictive model, its parameters, the objective function, and the algorithm used to optimize the model.

severity prediction

Longitudinal Deep Kernel Gaussian Process Regression

no code implementations24 May 2020 Junjie Liang, Yanting Wu, Dongkuan Xu, Vasant Honavar

Specifically, L-DKGPR eliminates the need for ad hoc heuristics or trial and error using a novel adaptation of deep kernel learning that combines the expressive power of deep neural networks with the flexibility of non-parametric kernel methods.

Gaussian Processes regression +1

Towards Robust Relational Causal Discovery

1 code implementation5 Dec 2019 Sanghack Lee, Vasant Honavar

In practice, queries to a RCI oracle have to be replaced by reliable tests for RCI against available data.

Causal Discovery

Algorithmic Bias in Recidivism Prediction: A Causal Perspective

no code implementations24 Nov 2019 Aria Khademi, Vasant Honavar

Specifically, we assess whether COMPAS exhibits racial bias against African American defendants using FACT, a recently introduced causality grounded measure of algorithmic fairness.

Causal Inference Fairness +1

LMLFM: Longitudinal Multi-Level Factorization Machine

1 code implementation11 Nov 2019 Junjie Liang, Dongkuan Xu, Yiwei Sun, Vasant Honavar

However, the current state-of-the-art methods are unable to select the most predictive fixed effects and random effects from a large number of variables, while accounting for complex correlation structure in the data and non-linear interactions among the variables.

Variable Selection

The Dynamical Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model in the Longitudinal Scenario

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Thanh Le, Vasant Honavar

We demonstrate the usefulness of this approach on synthetic as well as the human motion capture data set.

Dimensionality Reduction Time Series +1

Node Injection Attacks on Graphs via Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations14 Sep 2019 Yiwei Sun, Suhang Wang, Xianfeng Tang, Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Vasant Honavar

Real-world graph applications, such as advertisements and product recommendations make profits based on accurately classify the label of the nodes.

Node Classification reinforcement-learning +1

MEGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-View Network Embedding

no code implementations20 Aug 2019 Yiwei Sun, Suhang Wang, Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Xianfeng Tang, Vasant Honavar

Data from many real-world applications can be naturally represented by multi-view networks where the different views encode different types of relationships (e. g., friendship, shared interests in music, etc.)

Generative Adversarial Network Link Prediction +3

Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making: An Excursion Through the Lens of Causality

no code implementations27 Mar 2019 Aria Khademi, Sanghack Lee, David Foley, Vasant Honavar

As virtually all aspects of our lives are increasingly impacted by algorithmic decision making systems, it is incumbent upon us as a society to ensure such systems do not become instruments of unfair discrimination on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, etc.

Attribute Decision Making +1

Improving Image Captioning by Leveraging Knowledge Graphs

no code implementations25 Jan 2019 Yimin Zhou, Yiwei Sun, Vasant Honavar

We explore the use of a knowledge graphs, that capture general or commonsense knowledge, to augment the information extracted from images by the state-of-the-art methods for image captioning.

Image Captioning Knowledge Graphs

Top-N-Rank: A Scalable List-wise Ranking Method for Recommender Systems

no code implementations10 Dec 2018 Junjie Liang, Jinlong Hu, Shoubin Dong, Vasant Honavar

We propose Top-N-Rank, a novel family of list-wise Learning-to-Rank models for reliably recommending the N top-ranked items.

Learning-To-Rank Recommendation Systems

Multi-View Network Embedding Via Graph Factorization Clustering and Co-Regularized Multi-View Agreement

no code implementations6 Nov 2018 Yiwei Sun, Ngot Bui, Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Vasant Honavar

Our experiments with several benchmark real-world single view networks show that GFC-based SVNE yields network embeddings that are competitive with or superior to those produced by the state-of-the-art single view network embedding methods when the embeddings are used for labeling unlabeled nodes in the networks.

Clustering Network Embedding

Compositional Stochastic Average Gradient for Machine Learning and Related Applications

no code implementations4 Sep 2018 Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Yasser EL-Manzalawy, Yiwei Sun, Vasant Honavar

Many machine learning, statistical inference, and portfolio optimization problems require minimization of a composition of expected value functions (CEVF).

BIG-bench Machine Learning Portfolio Optimization

Lifted Representation of Relational Causal Models Revisited: Implications for Reasoning and Structure Learning

no code implementations10 Aug 2015 Sanghack Lee, Vasant Honavar

The correctness of the algorithm proposed by Maier et al. (2013a) for learning RCM from data relies on the soundness and completeness of AGG for relational d-separation to reduce the learning of an RCM to learning of an AGG.

CRISNER: A Practically Efficient Reasoner for Qualitative Preferences

no code implementations30 Jul 2015 Ganesh Ram Santhanam, Samik Basu, Vasant Honavar

We present CRISNER (Conditional & Relative Importance Statement Network PrEference Reasoner), a tool that provides practically efficient as well as exact reasoning about qualitative preferences in popular ceteris paribus preference languages such as CP-nets, TCP-nets, CP-theories, etc.

Representing and Reasoning with Qualitative Preferences for Compositional Systems

no code implementations16 Jan 2014 Ganesh Ram Santhanam, Samik Basu, Vasant Honavar

Among the collections that satisfy the functional requirement, it is often necessary to identify one or more collections that are optimal with respect to user preferences over a set of attributes that describe the non-functional properties of the collection.

Attribute Relation +1

Efficient Markov Network Structure Discovery Using Independence Tests

no code implementations15 Jan 2014 Facundo Bromberg, Dimitris Margaritis, Vasant Honavar

We present two algorithms for learning the structure of a Markov network from data: GSMN* and GSIMN.

Transportability from Multiple Environments with Limited Experiments

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 Elias Bareinboim, Sanghack Lee, Vasant Honavar, Judea Pearl

This paper considers the problem of transferring experimental findings learned from multiple heterogeneous domains to a target environment, in which only limited experiments can be performed.

Causal Transportability of Experiments on Controllable Subsets of Variables: z-Transportability

no code implementations26 Sep 2013 Sanghack Lee, Vasant Honavar

We provide a correct and complete algorithm that determines whether a causal effect is z-transportable; and if it is, produces a transport formula, that is, a recipe for estimating the causal effect of X on Y in the target domain using information elicited from the results of experimental manipulations of Z in the source domain and observational data from the target domain.

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