no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Tam{\'a}s V{\'a}radi, Svetla Koeva, Martin Yamalov, Marko Tadi{\'c}, B{\'a}lint Sass, Bart{\l}omiej Nito{\'n}, Maciej Ogrodniczuk, Piotr P{\k{e}}zik, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Radu Ion, Elena Irimia, Maria Mitrofan, Vasile P{\u{a}}i{\textcommabelow{s}}, Dan Tufi{\textcommabelow{s}}, Radovan Garab{\'\i}k, Simon Krek, Andraz Repar, Matja{\v{z}} Rihtar, Janez Brank
This article presents the current outcomes of the MARCELL CEF Telecom project aiming to collect and deeply annotate a large comparable corpus of legal documents.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Vasile P{\u{a}}i{\textcommabelow{s}}, Radu Ion, Dan Tufi{\textcommabelow{s}}
This paper presents RELATE (http://relate. racai. ro), a high-performance natural language platform designed for Romanian language.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Dan Tufi{\textcommabelow{s}}, Maria Mitrofan, Vasile P{\u{a}}i{\textcommabelow{s}}, Radu Ion, Andrei Coman
We present the Romanian legislative corpus which is a valuable linguistic asset for the development of machine translation systems, especially for under-resourced languages.