Search Results for author: Vera Mikyoung Hur

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Convolutional GRU Network for Seasonal Prediction of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation

1 code implementation18 Jun 2023 Lingda Wang, Savana Ammons, Vera Mikyoung Hur, Ryan L. Sriver, Zhizhen Zhao

Predicting sea surface temperature (SST) within the El Ni\~no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) region has been extensively studied due to its significant influence on global temperature and precipitation patterns.


Spacetime Neural Network for High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics

no code implementations4 Aug 2021 Jiangran Wang, Zhuo Chen, Di Luo, Zhizhen Zhao, Vera Mikyoung Hur, Bryan K. Clark

We develop a spacetime neural network method with second order optimization for solving quantum dynamics from the high dimensional Schr\"{o}dinger equation.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Gauge Invariant and Anyonic Symmetric Transformer and RNN Quantum States for Quantum Lattice Models

no code implementations18 Jan 2021 Di Luo, Zhuo Chen, Kaiwen Hu, Zhizhen Zhao, Vera Mikyoung Hur, Bryan K. Clark

Symmetries such as gauge invariance and anyonic symmetry play a crucial role in quantum many-body physics.

The Benjamin-Feir instability in the infinite depth

no code implementations3 Sep 2020 Vera Mikyoung Hur

We prove that a Stokes' periodic wave of sufficiently small amplitude, traveling under gravity at the free surface of a two dimensional, infinitely deep, and irrotational flow, is spectrally unstable to slow modulation, rigorously justifying Benjamin and Feir's formal argument.

Analysis of PDEs Pattern Formation and Solitons Fluid Dynamics

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