Search Results for author: Victor Gabriel Leandro Alves

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

DeepDoseNet: A Deep Learning model for 3D Dose Prediction in Radiation Therapy

no code implementations29 Oct 2021 Mumtaz Hussain Soomro, Victor Gabriel Leandro Alves, Hamidreza Nourzadeh, Jeffrey V. Siebers

The MSE model had the highest prediction error (validation: $\bar{S_{D}}$=3. 7Gy, $\bar{S_{DVH}}$=3. 2Gy; test: $\bar{S_{D}}$=3. 6Gy, $\bar{S_{DVH}}$=3. 0Gy).

OARnet: Automated organs-at-risk delineation in Head and Neck CT images

no code implementations31 Aug 2021 Mumtaz Hussain Soomro, Hamidreza Nourzadeh, Victor Gabriel Leandro Alves, Wookjin Choi, Jeffrey V. Siebers

Compared with other auto-delineation methods, OARnet is better than or equal to UaNet for all but one geometric (Temporal Lobe L, HD95) and one dosimetric (Eye L, mean dose) endpoint for the 28 H&N OARs, and is better than or equal to both AnatomyNet and MAS for all OARs.

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