Search Results for author: Victor Reijgwart

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

SC-Explorer: Incremental 3D Scene Completion for Safe and Efficient Exploration Mapping and Planning

1 code implementation17 Aug 2022 Lukas Schmid, Mansoor Nasir Cheema, Victor Reijgwart, Roland Siegwart, Federico Tombari, Cesar Cadena

We further present an informative path planning method, leveraging the capabilities of our mapping approach and a novel scene-completion-aware information gain.

Efficient Exploration

End-to-End Velocity Estimation For Autonomous Racing

no code implementations15 Mar 2020 Sirish Srinivasan, Inkyu Sa, Alex Zyner, Victor Reijgwart, Miguel I. Valls, Roland Siegwart

Velocity estimation plays a central role in driverless vehicles, but standard and affordable methods struggle to cope with extreme scenarios like aggressive maneuvers due to the presence of high sideslip.

Autonomous Racing

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