no code implementations • 11 Feb 2021 • Vidyadhar Upadhya, P S Sastry
It is seen that S-DCP is better than the CD and PCD algorithms in terms of speed of learning and the quality of the generative model learnt.
no code implementations • 25 Oct 2018 • Vidyadhar Upadhya, P. S. Sastry
Learning RBMs using standard algorithms such as CD(k) involves gradient descent on the negative log-likelihood.
no code implementations • 21 Sep 2017 • Vidyadhar Upadhya, P. S. Sastry
By exploiting the property that the RBM log-likelihood function is the difference of convex functions, we formulate a stochastic variant of the difference of convex functions (DC) programming to minimize the negative log-likelihood.
no code implementations • 8 Oct 2015 • Vidyadhar Upadhya, P. S. Sastry
The Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) can be used either as classifiers or as generative models.