Search Results for author: Vignesh Ram Somnath

Found 10 papers, 7 papers with code

3DReact: Geometric deep learning for chemical reactions

1 code implementation13 Dec 2023 Puck van Gerwen, Ksenia R. Briling, Charlotte Bunne, Vignesh Ram Somnath, Ruben Laplaza, Andreas Krause, Clemence Corminboeuf

We show that, compared to existing models for reaction property prediction, 3DReact offers a flexible framework that exploits atom-mapping information, if available, as well as geometries of reactants and products (in an invariant or equivariant fashion).

Deep Learning Property Prediction

DockGame: Cooperative Games for Multimeric Rigid Protein Docking

no code implementations9 Oct 2023 Vignesh Ram Somnath, Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Maria Rodriguez Martinez, Andreas Krause

Most traditional and deep learning methods for docking have focused mainly on binary docking, following either a search-based, regression-based, or generative modeling paradigm.

Protein Design

Aligned Diffusion Schrödinger Bridges

2 code implementations22 Feb 2023 Vignesh Ram Somnath, Matteo Pariset, Ya-Ping Hsieh, Maria Rodriguez Martinez, Andreas Krause, Charlotte Bunne

Diffusion Schr\"odinger bridges (DSB) have recently emerged as a powerful framework for recovering stochastic dynamics via their marginal observations at different time points.

Isotropic Gaussian Processes on Finite Spaces of Graphs

3 code implementations3 Nov 2022 Viacheslav Borovitskiy, Mohammad Reza Karimi, Vignesh Ram Somnath, Andreas Krause

We propose a principled way to define Gaussian process priors on various sets of unweighted graphs: directed or undirected, with or without loops.

Gaussian Processes Molecular Property Prediction +1

Multi-Scale Representation Learning on Proteins

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Vignesh Ram Somnath, Charlotte Bunne, Andreas Krause

This paper introduces a multi-scale graph construction of a protein -- HoloProt -- connecting surface to structure and sequence.

graph construction Protein Function Prediction +3

Learning Graph Models for Template-Free Retrosynthesis

no code implementations arXiv 2021 Vignesh Ram Somnath, Charlotte Bunne, Connor W. Coley, Andreas Krause, Regina Barzilay

Retrosynthesis prediction is a fundamental problem in organic synthesis, where the task is to identify precursor molecules that can be used to synthesize a target molecule.

Retrosynthesis Single-step retrosynthesis

Learning Graph Models for Retrosynthesis Prediction

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Vignesh Ram Somnath, Charlotte Bunne, Connor W. Coley, Andreas Krause, Regina Barzilay

Retrosynthesis prediction is a fundamental problem in organic synthesis, where the task is to identify precursor molecules that can be used to synthesize a target molecule.


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