Search Results for author: Vijil Chenthamarakshan

Found 34 papers, 13 papers with code

GP-MoLFormer: A Foundation Model For Molecular Generation

no code implementations4 Apr 2024 Jerret Ross, Brian Belgodere, Samuel C. Hoffman, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Youssef Mroueh, Payel Das

Impressively, we find GP-MoLFormer is able to generate a significant fraction of novel, valid, and unique SMILES even when the number of generated molecules is in the 10 billion range and the reference set is over a billion.

Memorization model +2

Larimar: Large Language Models with Episodic Memory Control

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Payel Das, Subhajit Chaudhury, Elliot Nelson, Igor Melnyk, Sarath Swaminathan, Sihui Dai, Aurélie Lozano, Georgios Kollias, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Jiří, Navrátil, Soham Dan, Pin-Yu Chen

Efficient and accurate updating of knowledge stored in Large Language Models (LLMs) is one of the most pressing research challenges today.

Structure-Informed Protein Language Model

1 code implementation7 Feb 2024 Zuobai Zhang, Jiarui Lu, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Aurélie Lozano, Payel Das, Jian Tang

To address this issue, we introduce the integration of remote homology detection to distill structural information into protein language models without requiring explicit protein structures as input.

Language Modeling model +3

A Systematic Study of Joint Representation Learning on Protein Sequences and Structures

3 code implementations11 Mar 2023 Zuobai Zhang, Chuanrui Wang, Minghao Xu, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Aurélie Lozano, Payel Das, Jian Tang

Recent sequence representation learning methods based on Protein Language Models (PLMs) excel in sequence-based tasks, but their direct adaptation to tasks involving protein structures remains a challenge.

Contrastive Learning Protein Function Prediction +1

Pre-Training Protein Encoder via Siamese Sequence-Structure Diffusion Trajectory Prediction

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Zuobai Zhang, Minghao Xu, Aurélie Lozano, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Payel Das, Jian Tang

Considering the essential protein conformational variations, we enhance DiffPreT by a method called Siamese Diffusion Trajectory Prediction (SiamDiff) to capture the correlation between different conformers of a protein.

Denoising Trajectory Prediction

Reprogramming Pretrained Language Models for Antibody Sequence Infilling

1 code implementation5 Oct 2022 Igor Melnyk, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Pin-Yu Chen, Payel Das, Amit Dhurandhar, Inkit Padhi, Devleena Das

Results on antibody design benchmarks show that our model on low-resourced antibody sequence dataset provides highly diverse CDR sequences, up to more than a two-fold increase of diversity over the baselines, without losing structural integrity and naturalness.

Diversity Language Modelling +2

AlphaFold Distillation for Protein Design

1 code implementation5 Oct 2022 Igor Melnyk, Aurelie Lozano, Payel Das, Vijil Chenthamarakshan

This model can then be used as a structure consistency regularizer in training the inverse folding model.

Diversity Drug Discovery +4

Learning Geometrically Disentangled Representations of Protein Folding Simulations

no code implementations20 May 2022 N. Joseph Tatro, Payel Das, Pin-Yu Chen, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Rongjie Lai

Massive molecular simulations of drug-target proteins have been used as a tool to understand disease mechanism and develop therapeutics.

Protein Folding

Accurate Clinical Toxicity Prediction using Multi-task Deep Neural Nets and Contrastive Molecular Explanations

1 code implementation13 Apr 2022 Bhanushee Sharma, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Amit Dhurandhar, Shiranee Pereira, James A. Hendler, Jonathan S. Dordick, Payel Das

Additionally, our multi-task approach is comprehensive in the sense that it is comparable to state-of-the-art approaches for specific endpoints in in vitro, in vivo and clinical platforms.

Transfer Learning

Protein Representation Learning by Geometric Structure Pretraining

2 code implementations11 Mar 2022 Zuobai Zhang, Minghao Xu, Arian Jamasb, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Aurelie Lozano, Payel Das, Jian Tang

Despite the effectiveness of sequence-based approaches, the power of pretraining on known protein structures, which are available in smaller numbers only, has not been explored for protein property prediction, though protein structures are known to be determinants of protein function.

Contrastive Learning Prediction +2

Benchmarking deep generative models for diverse antibody sequence design

no code implementations12 Nov 2021 Igor Melnyk, Payel Das, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Aurelie Lozano

Here we consider three recently proposed deep generative frameworks for protein design: (AR) the sequence-based autoregressive generative model, (GVP) the precise structure-based graph neural network, and Fold2Seq that leverages a fuzzy and scale-free representation of a three-dimensional fold, while enforcing structure-to-sequence (and vice versa) consistency.

Benchmarking Diversity +2

Fold2Seq: A Joint Sequence(1D)-Fold(3D) Embedding-based Generative Model for Protein Design

1 code implementation24 Jun 2021 Yue Cao, Payel Das, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Pin-Yu Chen, Igor Melnyk, Yang shen

Designing novel protein sequences for a desired 3D topological fold is a fundamental yet non-trivial task in protein engineering.

Protein Design

Large-Scale Chemical Language Representations Capture Molecular Structure and Properties

1 code implementation17 Jun 2021 Jerret Ross, Brian Belgodere, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Inkit Padhi, Youssef Mroueh, Payel Das

Models based on machine learning can enable accurate and fast molecular property predictions, which is of interest in drug discovery and material design.

Drug Discovery Molecular Property Prediction +2

Augmenting Molecular Deep Generative Models with Topological Data Analysis Representations

no code implementations8 Jun 2021 Yair Schiff, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Samuel Hoffman, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Payel Das

Deep generative models have emerged as a powerful tool for learning useful molecular representations and designing novel molecules with desired properties, with applications in drug discovery and material design.

Drug Discovery Topological Data Analysis +1

ProGAE: A Geometric Autoencoder-based Generative Model for Disentangling Protein Dynamics

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Norman Joseph Tatro, Payel Das, Pin-Yu Chen, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Rongjie Lai

Empowered by the disentangled latent space learning, the extrinsic latent embedding is successfully used for classification or property prediction of different drugs bound to a specific protein.

Property Prediction

Optimizing Molecules using Efficient Queries from Property Evaluations

1 code implementation3 Nov 2020 Samuel Hoffman, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Kahini Wadhawan, Pin-Yu Chen, Payel Das

Machine learning based methods have shown potential for optimizing existing molecules with more desirable properties, a critical step towards accelerating new chemical discovery.

Characterizing the Latent Space of Molecular Deep Generative Models with Persistent Homology Metrics

no code implementations NeurIPS Workshop TDA_and_Beyond 2020 Yair Schiff, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Payel Das

In this work, we propose a method for measuring how well the latent space of deep generative models is able to encode structural and chemical features of molecular datasets by correlating latent space metrics with metrics from the field of topological data analysis (TDA).

Decoder Topological Data Analysis

Explaining Chemical Toxicity using Missing Features

no code implementations23 Sep 2020 Kar Wai Lim, Bhanushee Sharma, Payel Das, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Jonathan S. Dordick

Chemical toxicity prediction using machine learning is important in drug development to reduce repeated animal and human testing, thus saving cost and time.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Learning Implicit Text Generation via Feature Matching

no code implementations ACL 2020 Inkit Padhi, Pierre Dognin, Ke Bai, Cicero Nogueira dos santos, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Youssef Mroueh, Payel Das

Generative feature matching network (GFMN) is an approach for training implicit generative models for images by performing moment matching on features from pre-trained neural networks.

Conditional Text Generation Style Transfer +2

CogMol: Target-Specific and Selective Drug Design for COVID-19 Using Deep Generative Models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Payel Das, Samuel C. Hoffman, Hendrik Strobelt, Inkit Padhi, Kar Wai Lim, Benjamin Hoover, Matteo Manica, Jannis Born, Teodoro Laino, Aleksandra Mojsilovic

CogMol also includes insilico screening for assessing toxicity of parent molecules and their metabolites with a multi-task toxicity classifier, synthetic feasibility with a chemical retrosynthesis predictor, and target structure binding with docking simulations.

Attribute Drug Design +2

Interactive Visual Exploration of Latent Space (IVELS) for peptide auto-encoder model selection

no code implementations ICLR Workshop DeepGenStruct 2019 Tom Sercu, Sebastian Gehrmann, Hendrik Strobelt, Payel Das, Inkit Padhi, Cicero dos Santos, Kahini Wadhawan, Vijil Chenthamarakshan

We present the pipeline in an interactive visual tool to enable the exploration of the metrics, analysis of the learned latent space, and selection of the best model for a given task.

Model Selection

A Sequential Set Generation Method for Predicting Set-Valued Outputs

no code implementations12 Mar 2019 Tian Gao, Jie Chen, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Michael Witbrock

Though SSG is sequential in nature, it does not penalize the ordering of the appearance of the set elements and can be applied to a variety of set output problems, such as a set of classification labels or sequences.

General Classification Multi-Label Classification +1

Fairness GAN

no code implementations24 May 2018 Prasanna Sattigeri, Samuel C. Hoffman, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Kush R. Varshney

In this paper, we introduce the Fairness GAN, an approach for generating a dataset that is plausibly similar to a given multimedia dataset, but is more fair with respect to protected attributes in allocative decision making.

Decision Making Fairness

A Study on Passage Re-ranking in Embedding based Unsupervised Semantic Search

no code implementations22 Apr 2018 Md. Faisal Mahbub Chowdhury, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Rishav Chakravarti, Alfio M. Gliozzo

State of the art approaches for (embedding based) unsupervised semantic search exploits either compositional similarity (of a query and a passage) or pair-wise word (or term) similarity (from the query and the passage).

Passage Re-Ranking Re-Ranking +3

WYSIWYE: An Algebra for Expressing Spatial and Textual Rules for Visual Information Extraction

no code implementations28 Jun 2015 Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Prasad M Desphande, Raghu Krishnapuram, Ramakrishna Varadarajan, Knut Stolze

In traditional rule based IE frameworks, these layout cues are mapped to rules that operate on the HTML source of the webpages.

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