Search Results for author: Vikas Kumar

Found 23 papers, 2 papers with code

Multimodal Fusion Learning with Dual Attention for Medical Imaging

1 code implementation2 Dec 2024 Joy Dhar, Nayyar Zaidi, Maryam Haghighat, Puneet Goyal, Sudipta Roy, Azadeh Alavi, Vikas Kumar

We show that the multi-branch fusion attention of DRIFA learns enhanced representations for each modality, such as dermoscopy, pap smear, MRI, and CT-scan, whereas multimodal information fusion attention module learns more refined multimodal shared representations, improving the network's generalization across multiple tasks and enhancing overall performance.

Citation-Based Summarization of Landmark Judgments

1 code implementation16 Jun 2024 Purnima Bindal, Vikas Kumar, Vasudha Bhatnagar, Parikshet Sirohi, Ashwini Siwal

Landmark judgments are of prime importance in the Common Law System because of their exceptional jurisprudence and frequent references in other judgments.


Infusing Knowledge into Large Language Models with Contextual Prompts

no code implementations3 Mar 2024 Kinshuk Vasisht, Balaji Ganesan, Vikas Kumar, Vasudha Bhatnagar

Knowledge infusion is a promising method for enhancing Large Language Models for domain-specific NLP tasks rather than pre-training models over large data from scratch.

Knowledge Graphs

Deep dive into language traits of AI-generated Abstracts

no code implementations17 Dec 2023 Vikas Kumar, Amisha Bharti, Devanshu Verma, Vasudha Bhatnagar

Generative language models, such as ChatGPT, have garnered attention for their ability to generate human-like writing in various fields, including academic research.

UniRecSys: A Unified Framework for Personalized, Group, Package, and Package-to-Group Recommendations

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Adamya Shyam, Vikas Kumar, Venkateswara Rao Kagita, Arun K Pujari

We consider two prominent CF techniques, namely Regularized Matrix Factorization and Maximum Margin Matrix factorization, as the baseline models and demonstrate their customization to various recommendation tasks.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

Conformal Group Recommender System

no code implementations22 Jul 2023 Venkateswara Rao Kagita, Anshuman Singh, Vikas Kumar, Pavan Kalyan Reddy Neerudu, Arun K Pujari, Rohit Kumar Bondugula

The traditional models of group recommendation are designed to act like a black box with a strict focus on improving recommendation accuracy, and most often, they place the onus on the users to interpret recommendations.

Conformal Prediction Recommendation Systems

A Bibliographic Study on Artificial Intelligence Research: Global Panorama and Indian Appearance

no code implementations4 Jul 2023 Amit Tiwari, Susmita Bardhan, Vikas Kumar

The trend is based on Country-wise publications, year-wise publications, topical terms in AI, top-cited articles, prominent authors, major institutions, involvement of industries in AI and Indian appearance.

Cross-domain Recommender Systems via Multimodal Domain Adaptation

no code implementations24 Jun 2023 Ramya Kamani, Vikas Kumar, Venkateswara Rao Kagita

Several approaches in the literature have been proposed to tackle the problem of data sparsity, among which cross-domain collaborative filtering (CDCF) has gained significant attention in the recent past.

Collaborative Filtering Domain Adaptation +3

Data augmentation and refinement for recommender system: A semi-supervised approach using maximum margin matrix factorization

no code implementations22 Jun 2023 Shamal Shaikh, Venkateswara Rao Kagita, Vikas Kumar, Arun K Pujari

We exploit the inherent characteristics of CF algorithms to assess the confidence level of individual ratings and propose a semi-supervised approach for rating augmentation based on self-training.

Collaborative Filtering Data Augmentation +1

Personalized Summarization of Scientific Scholarly Texts

no code implementations16 Jun 2023 Alka Khurana, Vasudha Bhatnagar, Vikas Kumar

In this paper, we present a proposal for an unsupervised algorithm, P-Summ, that generates an extractive summary of scientific scholarly text to meet the personal knowledge needs of the user.


Transfer of codebook latent factors for cross-domain recommendation with non-overlapping data

no code implementations26 Mar 2022 Sowmini Devi Veeramachaneni, Arun K Pujari, Vineet Padmanabhan, Vikas Kumar

In this paper, we come up with a novel transfer learning approach for cross-domain recommendation, wherein the cluster-level rating pattern(codebook) of the source domain is obtained via a co-clustering technique.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems +1

Inductive Conformal Recommender System

no code implementations18 Sep 2021 Venkateswara Rao Kagita, Arun K Pujari, Vineet Padmanabhan, Vikas Kumar

The conformal recommender system uses the experience of a user to output a set of recommendations, each associated with a precise confidence value.

Recommendation Systems

OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherical Panoramas

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Shivansh Rao, Vikas Kumar, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

A common approach has been to use standard convolutional networks to predict the corners and boundaries, followed by post-processing to generate the 3D layout.

3D Room Layouts From A Single RGB Panorama

Machine Learning Approaches for Type 2 Diabetes Prediction and Care Management

no code implementations15 Apr 2021 Aloysius Lim, Ashish Singh, Jody Chiam, Carly Eckert, Vikas Kumar, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Ankur Teredesai

Prediction of diabetes and its various complications has been studied in a number of settings, but a comprehensive overview of problem setting for diabetes prediction and care management has not been addressed in the literature.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Diabetes Prediction +2

Emergency Department Optimization and Load Prediction in Hospitals

no code implementations6 Feb 2021 Karthik K. Padthe, Vikas Kumar, Carly M. Eckert, Nicholas M. Mark, Anam Zahid, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Ankur Teredesai

Over the past several years, across the globe, there has been an increase in people seeking care in emergency departments (EDs).

Collaborative Filtering and Multi-Label Classification with Matrix Factorization

no code implementations23 Jul 2019 Vikas Kumar

We extended the concept of matrix factorization for yet another important problem of machine learning namely multi-label classification which deals with the classification of data with multiple labels.

Classification Collaborative Filtering +5

Block based Singular Value Decomposition approach to matrix factorization for recommender systems

no code implementations17 Jul 2019 Prasad Bhavana, Vikas Kumar, Vineet Padmanabhan

With the abundance of data in recent years, interesting challenges are posed in the area of recommender systems.

Recommendation Systems

Committee Selection with Attribute Level Preferences

no code implementations29 Jan 2019 Venkateswara Rao Kagita, Arun K Pujari, Vineet Padmanabhan, Vikas Kumar

We describe a greedy approach for attribute aggregation that satisfies the first three properties, but not the fourth, i. e., compound justified representation, which we prove to be NP-complete.


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