no code implementations • 12 Dec 2020 • Vikram Nathan, Jialin Ding, Tim Kraska, Mohammad Alizadeh
Unlike prior work, Cortex can adapt itself to any existing primary index, whether single or multi-dimensional, to harness a broad variety of correlations, such as those that exist between more than two attributes or have a large number of outliers.
no code implementations • 23 Jun 2020 • Jialin Ding, Vikram Nathan, Mohammad Alizadeh, Tim Kraska
Filtering data based on predicates is one of the most fundamental operations for any modern data warehouse.
no code implementations • 3 Dec 2019 • Vikram Nathan, Jialin Ding, Mohammad Alizadeh, Tim Kraska
Scanning and filtering over multi-dimensional tables are key operations in modern analytical database engines.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2019 • Hongzi Mao, Parimarjan Negi, Akshay Narayan, Hanrui Wang, Jiacheng Yang, Haonan Wang, Ryan Marcus, Ravichandra Addanki, Mehrdad Khani Shirkoohi, Songtao He, Vikram Nathan, Frank Cangialosi, Shaileshh Venkatakrishnan, Wei-Hung Weng, Song Han, Tim Kraska, Dr.Mohammad Alizadeh
We present Park, a platform for researchers to experiment with Reinforcement Learning (RL) for computer systems.
no code implementations • 10 Oct 2019 • Darryl Ho, Jialin Ding, Sanchit Misra, Nesime Tatbul, Vikram Nathan, Vasimuddin Md, Tim Kraska
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have enabled affordable sequencing of billions of short DNA fragments at high throughput, paving the way for population-scale genomics.
no code implementations • 8 Dec 2014 • Vikram Nathan, Sharath Raghvendra
A widely-used tool for binary classification is the Support Vector Machine (SVM), a supervised learning technique that finds the "maximum margin" linear separator between the two classes.