no code implementations • 31 Mar 2020 • Simran K, Sriram S, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
In recent years, the amount of Cyber Security data generated in the form of unstructured texts, for example, social media resources, blogs, articles, and so on has exceptionally increased.
no code implementations • 31 Mar 2020 • Simran K, Prathiksha Balakrishna, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
In recent days, the amount of Cyber Security text data shared via social media resources mainly Twitter has increased.
no code implementations • 1 Oct 2019 • Shisrut Rawat, Aishwarya Srinivasan, Vinayakumar R
Security analysts and administrators face a lot of challenges to detect and prevent network intrusions in their organizations, and to prevent network breaches, detecting the breach on time is crucial.
no code implementations • 10 Jan 2019 • Naveenkumar K S, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
In this paper the text data is used for the classification of the emotions.
no code implementations • 5 Jan 2019 • Mohammed Harun Babu R, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
Recurrent neural network (RNN) is an effective neural network in solving very complex supervised and unsupervised tasks.
no code implementations • 2 Jan 2019 • Vidya Prasad K, Akarsh S, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
Deep learning mechanisms are prevailing approaches in recent days for the various tasks in natural language processing, speech recognition, image processing and many others.
no code implementations • 15 Dec 2018 • Mohammed Harun Babu R, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
This has been applied towards various use cases in cyber security such as intrusion detection, malware classification, android malware detection, spam and phishing detection and binary analysis.
1 code implementation • 9 Dec 2018 • Vinayakumar R, Barathi Ganesh HB, Prabaharan Poornachandran, Anand Kumar M, Soman Kp
In this paper, we attempt to apply DNNs on three different cyber security use cases: Android malware classification, incident detection and fraud detection.
5 code implementations • International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) 2018 • Rahul-Vigneswaran K, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp, Prabaharan Poornachandran
In this paper, DNNs have been utilized to predict the attacks on Network Intrusion Detection System (N-IDS).
Ranked #1 on
Network Intrusion Detection
on KDD
no code implementations • 3 Oct 2018 • Amara Dinesh Kumar, Koti Naga Renu Chebrolu, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
Advanced driver assistance systems are advancing at a rapid pace and all major companies started investing in developing the autonomous vehicles.
1 code implementation • 3 Oct 2018 • Amara Dinesh Kumar, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
Hackers and spammers are employing innovative and novel techniques to deceive novice and even knowledgeable internet users.
no code implementations • 11 Sep 2018 • Anu Vazhayil, Vinayakumar R, Soman Kp
The laboratory experiments take a considerable amount of time for annotation of the sequences.
no code implementations • 23 Oct 2017 • Vinayakumar R, Barathi Ganesh HB, Anand Kumar M, Soman Kp
This working note presents the Recurrent neural network (RNN) and Long short-term memory (LSTM) based embedding for automatic health text classification in the social media mining.
no code implementations • WS 2017 • Vinayakumar R, Premjith B, Sachin Kumar S, Soman Kp, Poornach, Prabaharan ran
The goal of the task is to predict a real valued score in the range [0-1] for a particular tweet with an emotion type.