Search Results for author: Vincent Herrmann

Found 10 papers, 8 papers with code

Upside Down Reinforcement Learning with Policy Generators

1 code implementation27 Jan 2025 Jacopo Di Ventura, Dylan R. Ashley, Vincent Herrmann, Francesco Faccio, Jürgen Schmidhuber

Our method, dubbed Upside Down Reinforcement Learning with Policy Generators (UDRLPG), streamlines comparable techniques by removing the need for an evaluator or critic to update the weights of the generator.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

Automatic Album Sequencing

1 code implementation12 Nov 2024 Vincent Herrmann, Dylan R. Ashley, Jürgen Schmidhuber

To address this, we introduce a new user-friendly web-based tool that allows a less technical audience to upload music tracks, execute this technique in one click, and subsequently presents the result in a clean visualization to the user.

Unsupervised Musical Object Discovery from Audio

1 code implementation13 Nov 2023 Joonsu Gha, Vincent Herrmann, Benjamin Grewe, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Anand Gopalakrishnan

Our novel MusicSlots method adapts SlotAttention to the audio domain, to achieve unsupervised music decomposition.

Object Object Discovery +1

Learning One Abstract Bit at a Time Through Self-Invented Experiments Encoded as Neural Networks

no code implementations29 Dec 2022 Vincent Herrmann, Louis Kirsch, Jürgen Schmidhuber

There are two important things in science: (A) Finding answers to given questions, and (B) Coming up with good questions.

On Narrative Information and the Distillation of Stories

1 code implementation22 Nov 2022 Dylan R. Ashley, Vincent Herrmann, Zachary Friggstad, Jürgen Schmidhuber

We then demonstrate how evolutionary algorithms can leverage this to extract a set of narrative templates and how these templates -- in tandem with a novel curve-fitting algorithm we introduce -- can reorder music albums to automatically induce stories in them.

Contrastive Learning Evolutionary Algorithms

General Policy Evaluation and Improvement by Learning to Identify Few But Crucial States

1 code implementation4 Jul 2022 Francesco Faccio, Aditya Ramesh, Vincent Herrmann, Jean Harb, Jürgen Schmidhuber

In continuous control problems with infinitely many states, our value function minimizes its prediction error by simultaneously learning a small set of `probing states' and a mapping from actions produced in probing states to the policy's return.

continuous-control Continuous Control +2

Automatic Embedding of Stories Into Collections of Independent Media

1 code implementation3 Nov 2021 Dylan R. Ashley, Vincent Herrmann, Zachary Friggstad, Kory W. Mathewson, Jürgen Schmidhuber

We look at how machine learning techniques that derive properties of items in a collection of independent media can be used to automatically embed stories into such collections.


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