no code implementations • 16 Jun 2020 • Tim Klinger, Dhaval Adjodah, Vincent Marois, Josh Joseph, Matthew Riemer, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland, Murray Campbell
One difficulty in the development of such models is the lack of benchmarks with clear compositional and relational task structure on which to systematically evaluate them.
no code implementations • 27 Nov 2019 • T. S. Jayram, Vincent Marois, Tomasz Kornuta, Vincent Albouy, Emre Sevgen, Ahmet S. Ozcan
Transfer learning has become the de facto standard in computer vision and natural language processing, especially where labeled data is scarce.
no code implementations • 15 Nov 2018 • Vincent Marois, T. S. Jayram, Vincent Albouy, Tomasz Kornuta, Younes Bouhadjar, Ahmet S. Ozcan
We introduce a variant of the MAC model (Hudson and Manning, ICLR 2018) with a simplified set of equations that achieves comparable accuracy, while training faster.