Search Results for author: Vincent Moens

Found 10 papers, 6 papers with code

BricksRL: A Platform for Democratizing Robotics and Reinforcement Learning Research and Education with LEGO

2 code implementations25 Jun 2024 Sebastian Dittert, Vincent Moens, Gianni de Fabritiis

The integration of TorchRL with the LEGO hubs, via Bluetooth bidirectional communication, enables state-of-the-art reinforcement learning training on GPUs for a wide variety of LEGO builds.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

BenchMARL: Benchmarking Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation3 Dec 2023 Matteo Bettini, Amanda Prorok, Vincent Moens

The field of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is currently facing a reproducibility crisis.

Benchmarking Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning +3

TorchRL: A data-driven decision-making library for PyTorch

2 code implementations1 Jun 2023 Albert Bou, Matteo Bettini, Sebastian Dittert, Vikash Kumar, Shagun Sodhani, Xiaomeng Yang, Gianni de Fabritiis, Vincent Moens

PyTorch has ascended as a premier machine learning framework, yet it lacks a native and comprehensive library for decision and control tasks suitable for large development teams dealing with complex real-world data and environments.

Computational Efficiency Decision Making +1

CACTI: A Framework for Scalable Multi-Task Multi-Scene Visual Imitation Learning

1 code implementation12 Dec 2022 Zhao Mandi, Homanga Bharadhwaj, Vincent Moens, Shuran Song, Aravind Rajeswaran, Vikash Kumar

On a real robot setup, CACTI enables efficient training of a single policy that can perform 10 manipulation tasks involving kitchen objects, and is robust to varying layouts of distractors.

Data Augmentation Image Generation +3

Viscos Flows: Variational Schur Conditional Sampling With Normalizing Flows

no code implementations6 Jul 2021 Vincent Moens, Aivar Sootla, Haitham Bou Ammar, Jun Wang

We present a method for conditional sampling for pre-trained normalizing flows when only part of an observation is available.

Efficient Semi-Implicit Variational Inference

no code implementations15 Jan 2021 Vincent Moens, Hang Ren, Alexandre Maraval, Rasul Tutunov, Jun Wang, Haitham Ammar

In this paper, we propose CI-VI an efficient and scalable solver for semi-implicit variational inference (SIVI).

Variational Inference

SAMBA: Safe Model-Based & Active Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation12 Jun 2020 Alexander I. Cowen-Rivers, Daniel Palenicek, Vincent Moens, Mohammed Abdullah, Aivar Sootla, Jun Wang, Haitham Ammar

In this paper, we propose SAMBA, a novel framework for safe reinforcement learning that combines aspects from probabilistic modelling, information theory, and statistics.

Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

$¶$ILCRO: Making Importance Landscapes Flat Again

no code implementations27 Jan 2020 Vincent Moens, Simiao Yu, Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi

This paper shows that most of the existing convolutional architectures define, at initialisation, a specific feature importance landscape that conditions their capacity to attend to different locations of the images later during training or even at test time.

Feature Importance Image Classification +2

The Hierarchical Adaptive Forgetting Variational Filter

no code implementations ICML 2018 Vincent Moens

A common problem in Machine Learning and statistics consists in detecting whether the current sample in a stream of data belongs to the same distribution as previous ones, is an isolated outlier or inaugurates a new distribution of data.

Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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