Search Results for author: Vineet Gupta

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Using Foundation Models to Detect Policy Violations with Minimal Supervision

no code implementations9 Jun 2023 Sid Mittal, Vineet Gupta, Frederick Liu, Mukund Sundararajan

Our contributions are: We identify a hard prompt that adapts chain-of-thought prompting to policy violation tasks.

Large-Scale Differentially Private BERT

no code implementations3 Aug 2021 Rohan Anil, Badih Ghazi, Vineet Gupta, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi

In this work, we study the large-scale pretraining of BERT-Large with differentially private SGD (DP-SGD).

Language Modelling

Towards Practical Second Order Optimization for Deep Learning

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Kevin Regan, Yoram Singer

Optimization in machine learning, both theoretical and applied, is presently dominated by first-order gradient methods such as stochastic gradient descent.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Image Classification +4

Scalable Second Order Optimization for Deep Learning

1 code implementation20 Feb 2020 Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Kevin Regan, Yoram Singer

Optimization in machine learning, both theoretical and applied, is presently dominated by first-order gradient methods such as stochastic gradient descent.

Image Classification Language Modelling +2

Memory Efficient Adaptive Optimization

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Yoram Singer

Adaptive gradient-based optimizers such as Adagrad and Adam are crucial for achieving state-of-the-art performance in machine translation and language modeling.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +1

Memory-Efficient Adaptive Optimization

3 code implementations30 Jan 2019 Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Yoram Singer

Adaptive gradient-based optimizers such as Adagrad and Adam are crucial for achieving state-of-the-art performance in machine translation and language modeling.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +1

The Singular Values of Convolutional Layers

1 code implementation ICLR 2019 Hanie Sedghi, Vineet Gupta, Philip M. Long

We characterize the singular values of the linear transformation associated with a standard 2D multi-channel convolutional layer, enabling their efficient computation.

Shampoo: Preconditioned Stochastic Tensor Optimization

3 code implementations ICML 2018 Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Yoram Singer

Preconditioned gradient methods are among the most general and powerful tools in optimization.

Stochastic Optimization

A Unified Approach to Adaptive Regularization in Online and Stochastic Optimization

no code implementations20 Jun 2017 Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Yoram Singer

We describe a framework for deriving and analyzing online optimization algorithms that incorporate adaptive, data-dependent regularization, also termed preconditioning.

Stochastic Optimization

Random Features for Compositional Kernels

no code implementations22 Mar 2017 Amit Daniely, Roy Frostig, Vineet Gupta, Yoram Singer

We describe and analyze a simple random feature scheme (RFS) from prescribed compositional kernels.


Communicating Semantics: Reference by Description

no code implementations19 Nov 2015 Ramanathan V. Guha, Vineet Gupta

Messages often refer to entities such as people, places and events.


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