Search Results for author: Vladimir Cherkassky

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

VC Theoretical Explanation of Double Descent

no code implementations31 May 2022 Eng Hock Lee, Vladimir Cherkassky

There has been growing interest in generalization performance of large multilayer neural networks that can be trained to achieve zero training error, while generalizing well on test data.

Generalization Bounds

Multiclass Learning from Contradictions

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky, Mohak Shah

We introduce the notion of learning from contradictions, a. k. a Universum learning, for multiclass problems and propose a novel formulation for multiclass universum SVM (MU-SVM).

Model Selection

Single Class Universum-SVM

no code implementations21 Sep 2019 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky

This paper extends the idea of Universum learning [1, 2] to single-class learning problems.

Binary Classification

Multiclass Universum SVM

1 code implementation23 Aug 2018 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky, Mohak Shah

We introduce Universum learning for multiclass problems and propose a novel formulation for multiclass universum SVM (MU-SVM).

Model Selection

Universum Learning for Multiclass SVM

no code implementations29 Sep 2016 Sauptik Dhar, Naveen Ramakrishnan, Vladimir Cherkassky, Mohak Shah

We introduce Universum learning for multiclass problems and propose a novel formulation for multiclass universum SVM (MU-SVM).

Model Selection

Universum Learning for SVM Regression

no code implementations27 May 2016 Sauptik Dhar, Vladimir Cherkassky

This paper extends the idea of Universum learning [18, 19] to regression problems.


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