Search Results for author: Vladimir Mahalec

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Fault Detection and Identification Using a Novel Process Decomposition Algorithm for Distributed Process Monitoring

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Enrique Luna Villagomez, Vladimir Mahalec

Recent progress in fault detection and identification increasingly relies on sophisticated techniques for fault detection, applied through either centralized or distributed approaches.

Fault Detection

Hybrid Plant Models Call for a Different Plant Modelling Paradigm and a New Generation of Software (Heresy in the land of moles, fractions, & rigorous physical properties)

no code implementations27 Aug 2024 Vladimir Mahalec

Accurate plant models of existing plants can be linear or much less nonlinear if they are based on mass component flows and stream properties per unit mass properties instead of molar flows and mole fractions.


Deep adaptive fuzzy clustering for evolutionary unsupervised representation learning

no code implementations31 Mar 2021 Dayu Tan, Zheng Huang, Xin Peng, Weimin Zhong, Vladimir Mahalec

We joint fuzzy clustering to the deep reconstruction model, in which fuzzy membership is utilized to represent a clear structure of deep cluster assignments and jointly optimize for the deep representation learning and clustering.

Clustering Deep Clustering +1

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