no code implementations • 17 Dec 2020 • Kelvin Shak, Mundher Al-Shabi, Andrea Liew, Boon Leong Lan, Wai Yee Chan, Kwan Hoong Ng, Maxine Tan
This study presents a complete end-to-end scheme to detect and classify lung nodules using the state-of-the-art Self-training with Noisy Student method on a comprehensive CT lung screening dataset of around 4, 000 CT scans.
1 code implementation • 23 Apr 2019 • Mundher Al-Shabi, Boon Leong Lan, Wai Yee Chan, Kwan-Hoong Ng, Maxine Tan
In this paper, we propose a novel method to predict the malignancy of nodules that have the capability to analyze the shape and size of a nodule using a global feature extractor, as well as the density and structure of the nodule using a local feature extractor.
Ranked #6 on Lung Nodule Classification on LIDC-IDRI