Search Results for author: Wai-Ki Ching

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

On the Number of Observation Nodes in Boolean Networks

no code implementations26 Jul 2024 Liangjie Sun, Wai-Ki Ching, Tatsuya Akutsu

In this paper, we mainly focus on three types of BNs with $n$ nodes (i. e., $K$-AND-OR-BNs, $K$-XOR-BNs, and $K$-NC-BNs, where $K$ is the number of input nodes for each node and NC means nested canalyzing) and study the upper and lower bounds of the number of observation nodes for these BNs.

A Discrete Perspective Towards the Construction of Sparse Probabilistic Boolean Networks

1 code implementation16 Jul 2024 Christopher H. Fok, Chi-Wing Wong, Wai-Ki Ching

We derive theoretical upper bounds for both existing algorithms and the GER algorithm.

On the Compressive Power of Boolean Threshold Autoencoders

no code implementations21 Apr 2020 Avraham A. Melkman, Sini Guo, Wai-Ki Ching, Pengyu Liu, Tatsuya Akutsu

An autoencoder is a layered neural network whose structure can be viewed as consisting of an encoder, which compresses an input vector of dimension $D$ to a vector of low dimension $d$, and a decoder which transforms the low-dimensional vector back to the original input vector (or one that is very similar).

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