Search Results for author: Wan Zhang

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

LRRA:A Transparent Neural-Symbolic Reasoning Framework for Real-World Visual Question Answering

no code implementations CCL 2021 Wan Zhang, Chen Keming, Zhang Yujie, Xu Jinan, Chen Yufeng

“The predominant approach of visual question answering (VQA) relies on encoding the imageand question with a ”black box” neural encoder and decoding a single token into answers suchas ”yes” or ”no”.

Question Answering Visual Question Answering


no code implementations1 Mar 2021 Kai Zhang, Wan Zhang, Zhigen Zhao, Wen Zhou

To approach this oracle power, we devise the BEAST through a regularized resampling approximation of the oracle test.

Identifying Emotion from Natural Walking

no code implementations3 Aug 2015 Liqing Cui, Shun Li, Wan Zhang, Zhan Zhang, Tingshao Zhu

Emotion identification from gait aims to automatically determine persons affective state, it has attracted a great deal of interests and offered immense potential value in action tendency, health care, psychological detection and human-computer(robot) interaction. In this paper, we propose a new method of identifying emotion from natural walking, and analyze the relevance between the traits of walking and affective states.

Classification General Classification

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