Search Results for author: Wan-Yen Lo

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

PyTorchVideo: A Deep Learning Library for Video Understanding

1 code implementation18 Nov 2021 Haoqi Fan, Tullie Murrell, Heng Wang, Kalyan Vasudev Alwala, Yanghao Li, Yilei Li, Bo Xiong, Nikhila Ravi, Meng Li, Haichuan Yang, Jitendra Malik, Ross Girshick, Matt Feiszli, Aaron Adcock, Wan-Yen Lo, Christoph Feichtenhofer

We introduce PyTorchVideo, an open-source deep-learning library that provides a rich set of modular, efficient, and reproducible components for a variety of video understanding tasks, including classification, detection, self-supervised learning, and low-level processing.

Deep Learning Self-Supervised Learning +1

Accelerating 3D Deep Learning with PyTorch3D

3 code implementations16 Jul 2020 Nikhila Ravi, Jeremy Reizenstein, David Novotny, Taylor Gordon, Wan-Yen Lo, Justin Johnson, Georgia Gkioxari

We address these challenges by introducing PyTorch3D, a library of modular, efficient, and differentiable operators for 3D deep learning.

Autonomous Vehicles Deep Learning

On Network Design Spaces for Visual Recognition

4 code implementations ICCV 2019 Ilija Radosavovic, Justin Johnson, Saining Xie, Wan-Yen Lo, Piotr Dollár

Compared to current methodologies of comparing point and curve estimates of model families, distribution estimates paint a more complete picture of the entire design landscape.

Neural Architecture Search

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