Search Results for author: Wang Liu

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

The FruitShell French synthesis system at the Blizzard 2023 Challenge

no code implementations1 Sep 2023 Xin Qi, Xiaopeng Wang, Zhiyong Wang, Wang Liu, Mingming Ding, Shuchen Shi

The evaluation results of our system showed a quality MOS score of 3. 6 for the Hub task and 3. 4 for the Spoke task, placing our system at an average level among all participating teams.

Data Augmentation Speech Synthesis +2

DeepAVO: Efficient Pose Refining with Feature Distilling for Deep Visual Odometry

no code implementations20 May 2021 Ran Zhu, Mingkun Yang, Wang Liu, Rujun Song, Bo Yan, Zhuoling Xiao

The technology for Visual Odometry (VO) that estimates the position and orientation of the moving object through analyzing the image sequences captured by on-board cameras, has been well investigated with the rising interest in autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving feature selection +4

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