Search Results for author: Wang Yang

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Linear building pattern recognition via spatial knowledge graph

no code implementations21 Apr 2023 Wei Zhiwei, Xiao Yi, Tong Ying, Xu Wenjia, Wang Yang

First, we use the property graph to express the spatial relations in proximity, similar and linear arrangement between buildings; secondly, the rules of linear pattern recognition are expressed as the rules of knowledge graph reasoning; finally, the linear building patterns are recognized by using the rule-based reasoning in the built knowledge graph.

Stabilizing the Maximal Entropy Moment Method for Rarefied Gas Dynamics at Single-Precision

1 code implementation6 Mar 2023 Candi Zheng, Wang Yang, Shiyi Chen

This paper aims to stabilize MEM, making it possible to simulating very strong normal shock waves on modern GPUs at single precision.


Advbox: a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural networks

2 code implementations13 Jan 2020 Dou Goodman, Hao Xin, Wang Yang, Wu Yuesheng, Xiong Junfeng, Zhang Huan

In recent years, neural networks have been extensively deployed for computer vision tasks, particularly visual classification problems, where new algorithms reported to achieve or even surpass the human performance.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Face Recognition +1

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