Search Results for author: Warren Gross

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Faster Inference of Integer SWIN Transformer by Removing the GELU Activation

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Mohammadreza Tayaranian, Seyyed Hasan Mozafari, James J. Clark, Brett Meyer, Warren Gross

In this work, we improve upon the inference latency of the state-of-the-art methods by removing the floating-point operations, which are associated with the GELU activation in Swin Transformer.

Image Classification Knowledge Distillation +1

Robustness to distribution shifts of compressed networks for edge devices

no code implementations22 Jan 2024 Lulan Shen, Ali Edalati, Brett Meyer, Warren Gross, James J. Clark

It is important to investigate the robustness of compressed networks in two types of data distribution shifts: domain shifts and adversarial perturbations.

Knowledge Distillation Quantization

CES-KD: Curriculum-based Expert Selection for Guided Knowledge Distillation

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Ibtihel Amara, Maryam Ziaeefard, Brett H. Meyer, Warren Gross, James J. Clark

Knowledge distillation (KD) is an effective tool for compressing deep classification models for edge devices.

Knowledge Distillation

Training Linear Finite-State Machines

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Arash Ardakani, Amir Ardakani, Warren Gross

Therefore, our FSM-based model can learn extremely long-term dependencies as it requires 1/l memory storage during training compared to LSTMs, where l is the number of time steps.

Language Modelling Time Series Analysis

Decoding Polar Codes with Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations15 Sep 2020 Nghia Doan, Seyyed Ali Hashemi, Warren Gross

In this paper we address the problem of selecting factor-graph permutations of polar codes under belief propagation (BP) decoding to significantly improve the error-correction performance of the code.

Decoder reinforcement-learning +2

The Synthesis of XNOR Recurrent Neural Networks with Stochastic Logic

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Arash Ardakani, Zhengyun Ji, Amir Ardakani, Warren Gross

The emergence of XNOR networks seek to reduce the model size and computational cost of neural networks for their deployment on specialized hardware requiring real-time processes with limited hardware resources.


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